What is the first thing that pops into your head when I say the name Taylor Swift? She is an artist about whom people have very strong opinions. Their opinions might have to do with her former boyfriends, her “feuds” with other singers, or her music in general.
I’ll admit to thinking she was flighty when it came to boyfriends a few years ago. She seemed to be unable to be single for any amount of time. But the thing is, she was young. She still IS young. I was boy crazy too. But since she is in the spotlight, we see all of her relationships as our business. If we are into pop culture at all, we seem to think that anyone in the spotlight is our business. And I guess, in a way, if you’re in the spotlight at all, you’ve got to know that people are going to have strong opinions about who you date or what you do.
What I discovered when I went to her concert was that she is kind. She is down-to-earth. She is giving. And she is still young! She’s been in the spotlight for so long that we forget that she’s only 25 years old. She could be my kid! Granted, my oldest is only 20, but still, I’m old enough to be her mom. I’d hate it for people to talk about my daughter the way she gets talked about! But, it comes with the territory.
Before the concert, there were little bits of Taylor on the big screen. Did you know that last Christmas she sent personal gifts to many of her fans? It was so cute watching her wrap the gifts with her cats “helping.” She wrote personal cards that were really relevant to what these fans were going through. She follows her fans on Instagram and Twitter and pays attention to how they are feeling. She’ll tweet back to them and encourage them.
All of these things make me a fan. It’s not just that her music has catchy tunes and lyrics that are fun to sing at the top of your lungs. It’s that she is human. She’s just a girl who happens to be a celebrity in the spotlight. She’d still be kind if she wasn’t in the spotlight. She’d still be giving. And she’d still love cats…which elevates her to a whole other level with me 🙂
June 3, 2015 my daughter and I got to go see Taylor Swift at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, OH. It was an amazing show! She is so talented and personable. We had awesome seats…5 rows from the floor. It was so much fun, and if she tours again, I will certainly make every effort to go! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the #1989WorldTour.
Taylor started the show off with Welcome to New York.
Then came New Romantics….
…and Blank Space
Followed by I Knew You Were Trouble and I Wish You Would
How You Get the Girl
…and more…
She’s explaining how she would wake up in the middle of the night with ideas, so she finally put her keyboard right by her bed.
I really want that sparkly dress!
…now we got Bad Blood
This set was so pretty!
And finally, you’ve got to Shake it Off….
If you get a chance to see the 1989 World Tour, do it! You will be completely entertained and thoroughly impressed!
Thanks for the amazing concert, Taylor. I’ve been a fan since Drew was the reason for the Teardrops on Your Guitar, and I’ll be a fan until you don’t have to fake a smile so he won’t see 🙂
I think she is just a lovely person. I don’t have girls, but I think she is an awesome role model for young ladies.
I’d love to see her in concert. I think she’s a great talent, and she’s such a sweetheart, too!
I love Taylor Swift almost as much as my daughter does. Her music is fun and heart felt.
I really like Taylor Swift she has a great voice and some great songs, it looks like her concerts are a lot of fun and deliver a great performance!
I have always liked Taylor Swift. She really impressed me when she called Emily from Chicago (the girl with cancer) and made that little girls wish come true. Very classy.
I LOVE all the pics! I would love to see one of her concerts! I’m always impressed with her and all that she does. She has really set the bar high for other teen-to-adult performers. Class act, for sure!
My girls LOVE Taylor Swift. I’m not a big fan but I find a few of her songs to be catchy! I bet going to a show would be such fun!
Her songs are definitley catchy! I am not a huge fan, but I do think she is an awesome role model.
Wow she really knows how to put on a show. I like her music but I’ve never seen her live. It looks awesome!
I use to love Taylor Swift. Lately she seems kind of not cute. Oh well, to each his own. Glad you had fun.
This looks like an amazing show. Thank you for sharing all the pictures. Her outfits are certainly show stoppers.
She seems like she has a great heart! What a wonderful concert! It looks like you guys had a great time.
I know you guys had an amazing time, I love her. I must make it a point to go see here in concert soon.
I like Taylor Swift. I have most of her songs in my playlist.
I am a swiftie myself! I love her so much even my daughter loves her!
It’s nice to know that Taylor Swift has a heart. I mean, a lot of the celebs aren’t exactly as down-to-earth as she is … following fans back in social media, giving meaningful replies, and even wrapping + sending presents for Christmas. I wish more celebs would learn from her and get out of the star complex. She’s young and with that kind of attitude, I’m certain that she’ll achieve more.
What a great post. I love all these pictures and I love that sparkly dress too.
I love Taylor and I would love to see her perform in person. Such gorgeous outfits she wore. I want that sparkly dress too. 😉
Bravo to Taylor Swift. She is really coming into her own, and feeling confident about who she is. There’s not a day that goes by that my girls aren’t bopping their heads to her beats.
My daughter would love to go to her concert.
I loved her super bowl show earlier this year. She has come a long ways and I would think that it would be super hard to be that young and be scrutinized for everything you do. Of course, the media usually focuses on everything bad that they do.
Wow, my daughter would love to see Taylor Swift in concert, that’s for sure. Thanks for sharing these photos!
Wow! It looks like it was such a great show! The pictures you’ve taken are absolutely fantastic!
OMG Love all your pictures you took of her! I bet she put off an awesome show.
I think she is a beautiful girl with a heart and personality to match. She is also a great role model.
Omg this looks like it was a pretty awesome concert… Is it bad my hubby is the biggest Taylor fan ever lol… He would of loved this show… He will probably wanna kill me if he knew I said this lol
LOL It’s our secret!
This must have been an amazing concert. I have always wanted to go see Taylor Swift. I will have to see when she will be in my area again.
My daughter and I love Taylor Swift, and would love to see her in concert. She is suh a great role model for young women.
Taylor Swift is such an amazing and talented artist. I don’t know about you, but I’m forever grateful that instagram and internet wasn’t around to document some of the things I did when I was young. 🙂 These kids today have a lot more to consider. I heard a quote from “House of Cards” “Careful what you say, when you speak to one you are speaking to thousands”.
I agree! I would have been in so much more trouble lol. Teenage brains just aren’t developed enough to make smart decisions.
My daughter loves Taylor… like many tweens across the country! She was in Raleigh last night, but I was saved from concert-going because it was my son’s birthday! 🙂 If we won tickets — well, I think my son would have understood.
I LOVE the photos! I love Taylor Swift.. this would be a great concert to go to. She does look awfully skinny though, compared to her photos.
She is very thin! I am sure the rigorous dance routines burn tons of calories! Plus…no kids yet lol.
Time for a confession: I used to think Taylor Swift was just another Teeny Bopper with inevitably bad headlines. She has really proven herself as a capable, intelligent, generous person…and all in the spotlight. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live and grow with literally the world watching.
I sure would like to see her in concert after reading your post! How did you get such amazing photos! Wow! Her outfits were to die for!
We were only 5 rows from the floor, so we were REALLY close! It was awesome!
I actually like a lot of her songs. Would be awesome to be able to see her perform at a live concert!
I love Taylor Swift. She seems like an amazing young lady. I could not imagine the scrutiny of the media.
Thats awesome. I am hoping to get to see it.
How awesome! I would love to take my daughter to her concert.
Wow how fantastic! You got some great photos! I would love to go to a concert one day! I really love all her costumes, so pretty!!
Sounds like a great concert. I like Taylor Swift. I have some of her songs in my playlist.
My girls adore her, of course. Who doesn’t? She is wildly talented and truly kind. A class act.
I’m not a huge fan, but I admire the fact that she writes most of her own material and plays it also. So many don’t.
You took some great pictures! It looks like Swift really enjoys performing, she looks so happy. I like a few of her songs – she is very talented.
I’m one of 15 people in the world who knows nothing about Taylor Swift except that any song of hers that I hear ends up stuck in my head. That must be a good thing, right? lol
Sounds like you had a great time at her concert! My daughter is a Taylor Swift fan.
I’ve been listening to Taylor Swift since before she became famous. It was within a few years that I started hearing her songs everywhere. I don’t know Taylor Swift, and I could really care less about what tabloids say, because they care about nothing beyond selling magazines… but from what I know, Taylor Swift gets big props from me for being classy enough to have taste and limits when it comes to clothing and not reduce herself to the state a lot of her “co-workers” in the music industry have.
I love Taylor Swift’s music. My teenager hates her. I don’t care. I’d definitely go to that concert.
Okay seriously I didn’t know who she was til I seen her on Ellen show. She does have an amazing voice. Thanks for sharing.
It looks like you had a Blast. Love the pictures and she is an amazing artist.