A cat’s job is not easy. They have to make sure you laugh at their crazy antics and gush over how cute they are. If you own a cat, you need to do him a favor in behalf of all the other hard working cats out there by making sure he is satisfied all the time. If you’re not an expert in making your cat is happy, below are some tips to follow.
Ways to Keep Your Cat Happy
1. Feed him his favorite tuna once in awhile. A cat loves nothing more than his regular dose of fish treat. It can be straight from your cabinet, or get him the one from the pet store instead.
2. Pet your cat regularly. Cats can be very high maintenance, and they’ll want somebody who has their full attention. Let your cat know you value him more than anything by sitting on the couch with him while stroking his favorite spots like the neck, head and back.
3. Have a dedicated brush for your cat. It can be for grooming purposes if your cat has long hair. If he’s short haired, the sensation of the brush bristles against his skin will have him purring non-stop.
4. Let him enjoy the sunshine. Cats like napping under the sun. Don’t be too worried if it’s going to be too hot for him. A cat’s temperature will naturally drop once it goes to sleep, and he needs all the heat that it can get in order to get a comfortable sleep.
5. Don’t bathe your cat with water of regular temperature. Your cat’s temperature is going to be different than yours so what might be normal for you is already be too cold for him. Clean him once in awhile using warm water instead. Some cats love baths while others do not. This tip only applies if he does!
6. Don’t be angry at your cat if he brings a dead mouse or bird at your doorstep. Consider it a compliment because what this means is that your cat wants to impress you, and he considers you as part of his family.
7. When you get a new kitty, you’ve got to earn his trust. When he lies on his back, you might be tempted to rub his belly right away. By all means, do not do that. It is a test and if you rub him directly on that area, all you’ll get are scratches. Cats don’t like getting rubbed in the belly as it is a vulnerable area where all their vital organs are located.
8. Still can’t resists rubbing your cat’s belly? You can take it slow. You can start by rubbing his front paws and then his back paws. If you don’t see any violent reaction, then you can proceed with rubbing his belly.
9. Get a laser or a string that your cat can play with. You’ll have him preoccupied for as long as you want. Cats like playing with lasers and strings. The movement of these small things gives cats the impression that it’s alive and nothing makes a cat more excited than the possibility of a catch that tastes good.
10. Don’t reprimand your cat if he scratches your couch. Instead, you may get your cat his own scratching post. It’s not only for scratching. A scratching post will also help him stretch, energize, and relieve his stress and fear.
11. Maintain a good diet for your cat by feeding him with just the right serving size. Too much can lead to weight problems. Also make sure to feed him dry food as not only does it have all the nutrients he needs, it also keeps his teeth strong and clean.
12. Give your cat freedom but not too much freedom. Do not disturb your cat’s sleep when it’s still a kitten. Give it the freedom to sleep as much as it would like to as this is very vital to their growing process. If your cat is new, make sure to let it stay inside the house long enough to be familiar with it.
13. Change the cat’s litter regularly. Like humans, cats are very hygienic animals. They don’t like it if their litter box is dirty. You also need to consider which litter your cat likes as they might have their own preferences.
14. Keep your cat out of the wrong grass. A vomiting cat because of garden grass is not a happy cat. If you still want it to graze in grass, you can get a special type of grass that can be kept indoors of which cats can also eat.
15. Keep your cat happy by allowing them an easy way access to your windows. Cats are very curious creatures and they like it when they get to see even the slightest movement. It may it be a bird flying, a leaf getting blown by the wind or a squirrel running.
16. Do not declaw your cat. Even if your cat is an inside cat, you can always get kitty claw caps to save your furniture.
17. Cats like to snuggle in bed too. They’re like your own special friend. This is one way for cats to bond with their owners. If your cat does not like snuggling with you, you might want to consider going slowly by regularly petting him. Once he gets comfortable, he’ll naturally want to snuggle with you when you’re in bed with him.
18. Get a buddy for your cat. This is a great idea especially if your cat is an indoor cat. Just make sure to introduce them properly to each other. It’ll make a big difference to their world to have a buddy they can play with. Adopting siblings or a bonded pair is always a good idea.
19. Keep your cat happy by talking to him. They need verbal communication from their owner too. Don’t know how to? Try experimenting with different sounds. If there’s a certain word or sound that they positively react to, use this often as a way to bond with them.
Just take some of the tips to keep your cat happy, and you’re sure to have a feline that will have a smile as wide as the Cheshire Cat’s.
Thanks for the tips especially #7. I saw a cute cat lying on its belly outside a restaurant once and tried to rub its belly. Yep, it scratched me!
That happens! Until they get to really trust you, you have to be extra cautious!
Those cats look adorable and very, very, very happy.
Happy cat, happy owner 🙂
Besos Sarah.