Our homes are our safe spaces where we relax, unwind and spend quality time with our loved ones. To keep the space of your home as healthy a possible for everyone to enjoy, try these five simple hacks.
1 . Use natural paint
Every now and then our homes need a fresh lick of paint to look lovely again. The issue is, conventional paint products contain VOCs (Volatile organic chemicals) which are harmful for our health and the planet too. Next time your walls need a bit of a spruce, be sure to shop for a natural paint. These paints are usually made out of substances like vegetable oil and plant dyes. As a binder, natural paints rely on ingredients like milk protein or clay. Brands like ‘The Real Milk Paint’ are an excellent go-to for some quality natural paints in some great colors.
2 . Eliminate mold & dust
Breathing in mold and dust can have adverse effects on the health of you and your family, so it’s time to get cleaning! Mold problems are generally due to damp, so if you have any damp issues in your home, consider getting yourself a dehumidifier. These nifty machines will help get rid of the excess moisture in the air that’s causing the damp. With a dehumidifier, you’ll combat mildew and dust mites too. A dust problem is easily solved by regular vacuuming and cleaning.
3 . Green-cleaning products
Regular cleaning will help keep your home nice and healthy, but not if you rely on toxic cleaning products! For a healthier alternative to conventional cleaners, there are plenty of great brands out there. One example is the brand ‘ECO’, offering products made from plant-based materials at some great prices. Better Life, is another great green-cleaning brand, creating products with some lovely ingredients such as soap bark, coconut, corn and botanical extracts. For a DIY solution, try white vinegar, lemons and baking soda.
4. Touches of nature
Spending time in the natural world can boost our mental health and help us to feel calm and relaxed. The same principle means that bringing touches of nature into the home can really give our health a real lift. Studies have shown that plants help to boost endorphins, what’s more-having indoor plants will cleanse the air of toxins. English Ivy plants look great in the bathroom, while snake plants create a bold look for a modern living room. Orchids look just beautiful anywhere-plus you can keep the plant long term and wait for the flowers to rebloom!
5. Safety first
Keeping your home a healthy space is also about prioritizing safety. Check your electrical appliances and smoke alarms regularly. Always have the number of an emergency electrician to hand in case you need it. It’s generally a good idea to keep a paper copy of all your emergency numbers on your fridge (in case you can’t access your phone). Always keep hazardous items in a locked cupboard (especially if you have children). Keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen and another one upstairs.
Finally, think carefully about the food that you bring into your kitchen. Prioritize vegetables, fruits, fresh fish, lean meats and whole grains. Planning your meals ahead can help you to avoid buying junk from the store on your way home! Of course, we all need a treat or two now and then, but if you want to prioritize your health– mindful food shopping is vital.
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