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The Requiem Red
by Brynn Chapman
YA Historical Urban Fantasy
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 300 Pages
April 5th 2016 by Month9Books
Patient Twenty-nine.
A monster roams the halls of Soothing Hills Asylum. Three girls dead. 29 is endowed with the curse…or gift of perception. She hears messages in music, sees lyrics in paintings. And the corn. A lifetime asylum resident, the orchestral corn music is the only constant in her life.
Mason, a new, kind orderly, sees 29 as a woman, not a lunatic. And as his belief in her grows, so does her self- confidence. That perhaps she might escape, might see the outside world.
But the monster has other plans. The missing girl’s share one common thread…each was twenty-nine’s cell mate.
Will she be next?
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My Review
The Requiem Red is the second book I’ve read by Brynn Chapman. I read and reviewed Boneseeker, so I was very excited to read another by her. And, of course, the cover and the synopsis drew me in right away! What could be better than a monster roaming the halls of an asylum? Okay, probably a lot could be better than a monster roaming the halls of an asylum, but you know what I mean! What a GREAT story!
I immediately fell for this story. It draws you in with its haunting setting and the amazing characters. You can’t help but feel such sorrow and hatred as you read this story. Yet you also feel such hope and joy. It is so tragic because the treatments described in this story were really treatments for mental patients, some as recent as the 1950s. And the fact that so many people and children institutionalized were not even mentally ill. So tragic.
You will have so much compassion for “29.” I won’t give you any spoilers, but you’ll be shocked when you figure out the truth of her story. You’ll fall in love with the supporting characters…the ones that aren’t evil that is! The underlying weird things that happen will keep you on the edge of your seat. This is truly a story I can’t wait to read more of! I really hope there will be more because the ending is so crazy. If you like YA Historical Urban Fantasy, you’ve got to check out The Requiem Red.
Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love—not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger’s syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society’s downtrodden. In fiction, she’s a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. She also writes non-fiction and lectures on the subjects of autism and sensory integration and is a medical contributor to online journal The Age of Autism.
Other Books by the Author
brynn chapman says
thank you for hosting and yes book two out next year brynn
Christy Maurer says