If you ever stay away from home, or any member of your family does; then you’re likely to face the dreaded bedbug at some point in your life. If you do, I’ve got tips on how to keep bedbugs away from your laundry.
This tiny little bug can’t fly or jump. It feeds just on blood, yet it flourishes across the world. You may be aware of them, thanks to the symptoms, but seeing an adult bed bug will confirm it.
Symptoms include:
- Skin rash – usually multiple itchy bumps with clear centers.
- Burning sensation round bite.
- Rust spots on your bed sheets.
- Musty or wet towel odor.
Keep bedbugs away from your laundry
Once you know that you have bed bugs, you need to take decisive action. This means removing them without spreading them to your other laundry and around the house.
Separate the dirty clothes
Bed bugs are more attracted to dirty clothes than they are clean; this means you can easily bring them home with you if you leave your dirty clothes anywhere near your suitcase of clean clothes.
To keep bedbugs away from your laundry, keep dirty clothes and clean clothes separate. Once worn, dirty clothes should be put into a bag with an airtight seal. This will prevent the bugs from escaping the bags of dirty clothes and infesting the clean clothes.
It is also a good idea, if possible, to put your suitcase of clean clothes and even your sealed bag of dirty clothes on a rack.
Bed bugs cannot climb smooth surfaces; therefore, if you can elevate your bags to where bed bugs can’t access, you’re guaranteed to keep them away from your clothes.
High heat is the worst thing for a bed bug; it will kill them. If you find that you have brought the little critters home with you, then you need to wash all clothing and bedding that may be affected on high heat.
To ensure the bed bugs are killed, you should also dry them on high heat in the dryer.
Alongside this, it is possible to get a heating chamber that will ensure your bags are bug free or you can use a steam cleaner on high heat.
Change Clothing
In general, bedbugs like to feed at night and then return to their comfy homes in the corners of your bed or somewhere similar during the day. However, they are attracted to the smell of humans and can cling to your clothes for hours.
For this reason, if you suspect bed bugs you need to wash your clothes and bedding straight away.
Eliminate the Source
Don’t forget that once you’ve cleaned any clothing or bedding, you need to keep it away from the source of infestation. Don’t just put your sheets back on the bed! If you got bed bugs from traveling, your home may not have them. But if you’re home is infected, you’ll need to treat the areas where the bed bugs live. While it is possible to purchase treatment yourself, you may prefer to call in the professionals; then you’ll know that the bed bugs are gone.
Protect your clothing while in storage
If you’re like most of us, your wardrobe is switched out once the seasons change. Off season clothing is put into storage to keep them safe while not being worn. While in storage, bed bugs aren’t the only critter to worry about. Moths and silverfish can damage your clothing, so choosing the right storage is key. Similar to dealing with bed bugs, wash your clothing before and after storing them for the season. To keep your clothes extra safe in between seasons, use a Lavender Pouch and Wool and Cashmere spray before storing.
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