Buying a new home is an exciting time in anyone’s life. Whether you’re a first time buyer, up-sizing or downsizing, there is always a list of things you need to do. Dealing with solicitors, real estate agents, etc. takes a lot of time and thought. You can easily miss things. It pays to do a little bit of extra research to ensure you’re getting a property you want for a fair price. Sure, you may be planning to remodel anyway, but it pays to do the research beforehand. You could end up knocking a little bit of money off the asking price if you check for these things before buying your home.
Check for nests
Pests can be a nightmare to get rid of. Depending on the infestation sometimes the cost can quickly spiral out of control. If there are any buildings outside, make sure you stick your head inside. Really scope out those corners and double check for wasps, bees or hornets. You can arrange for the current owners to get these removed before you even move in.
Don’t forget birds. You may think it sounds a little silly, but birds’ nests can be a real pain because some are protected. Meaning you won’t be able to remove or disturb them, putting the brakes on any renovation or extension work you had in mind. Termites, crickets, roaches, there are a myriad of pests you want to check for, as well as the damage pests create. Checking for these things before you buy a home can really save you a lot of headaches later.
Check your flood plain
So many people buy houses without checking if their new home is on a flood plain. Check with a home insurance firm to find out for yourself. If this was not factored in to the cost ahead of time, you really need to think about it. Not only could you be in danger, but your insurance will cost a lot more than you expected. Not to mention some of the other risks.
Homes on flood plains are more susceptible to damp, meaning you could end up in need of mold remediation. It doesn’t mean you should rethink your moving plans. Some places in flood warning areas haven’t flooded for years. It’s just an eventuality you need to know about and be prepared for.
Check out the neighborhood
Nothing can make or break a new home like those who live around it. You have no idea what the neighbors are like. Take a look around the area of the new home. It might be the case that you’re from the area and know it really well. You may not know the area but know the city. Or, you could be moving from out of town. In all cases you need to check these things before buying a new home.
Ask anyone you know who has friends or family in the area. Whatever you do, don’t ask the current home owners. If they live beside the neighbors from hell, they may not tell you. Have a look at the yards too. Are they cared for? Is their trash around?
These little checks can save you a lot of heartache in the long run. If you speak to one neighbor, ask them about the other ones too. Mention crime, see if its a problem in the area. You can check crime rates online too. Look for robberies and things like that. Again, it may not completely change your heart in terms of your move, but it can certainly give you food for thought.
Check out these three things before buying your new home! You’ll be glad you did!
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