Looking after your well-being is about ensuring that your physical and mental health is the best that it can be. With these 9 unique ideas to improve your well-being you can enrich your current self-care regime.
Ideas on how to improve your well-being
1 . Give Back To Your Community
According to Medical Daily, ‘per numerous studies, the act of helping others can help combat loneliness and depression, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain and stress.’ By giving back to your community you’ll improve your own well-being at the same time. To search for volunteering opportunities near you check out sites such as Volunteer Match and Idealist.org.
2. Grow Your Own Vegetables
Growing your own vegetables is just about the most wholesome hobby you can do! When you grow your own vegetables you’ll save money, go greener, learn about nutrition and eat healthier. To help you grow your own vegetables try using these applications:
- Garden Plan Pro: This app has all the tips and tools you need to plan the perfect vegetable garden. Garden Plan Pro includes growing info for hundreds of different plants so you can grow any type of vegetable with ease.
- Veggie Garden Planner: Using this application you can create the perfect vegetable patch. Veggie Garden Planner helps you to learn about sowing times, harvesting times, plant distancing and neighboring plants.
3. Write A Poem
Poetry is an excellent way to get creative, express emotions and have fun. You might not see yourself as a poet, but there’s no harm in trying something new! One of the best ways to make a start is to read poems for inspiration. To help you on your creative journey check out the following poetry magazines:
- Paris Review: This magazine was established back in 1953, initially publishing famous names including Samuel Beckett, Jack Keroauc and Andrienne Rich. The poetry section is always full of beautiful writing; you’ll find lots of inspiration here.
- New Letters: Based in Missouri, New Letters began in 1970. To this day you’ll still find plenty of excellent poetry and fiction here, including award-winning writing.
4. Create A Happiness Jar
First you take an old jar and then you decorate it in whichever way that you wish. Each day take a small piece of paper and write one ‘happy note’ in the jar. It could be a nice memory, something you are grateful for, an inspirational quote or song lyric. Over time you’ll find that this daily practice lifts your spirits! Improving your well-being is all about focusing on positivity.
5. Beautify Your Home
When your home is neglected and messy it’s difficult to feel completely relaxed and positive. To improve your well-being, try decorating your home to create a more inviting space. For a few ideas to get you started, try:
- Declutter your home: First things first, get rid of all the clutter that you have in your house. Once you’ve got more space and less mess you’ll be able to improve your decor.
- Personal touches: Use your home to express yourself, whether it’s photographs of you and your family, using your favorite colors, or art work by an artist you love.
- Use nature: Decorate your home using plants and flowers, this will help you to make the space look beautiful, raise your endorphins and clean the indoor air.
6. Try Herbal Supplements
When you’re feeling stressed or anxious there are lots of different herbal supplements which can be useful. These three herbs are all popular options to combat stress:
- Ashwagandha: This plant has been used for many years in herbal medicine. It’s able to reduce stress hormones as well as ease inflammation and lower blood sugar levels. According to research in the Medicine journal, ‘ashwagandha was associated with reductions in anxiety and blood pressure in chronically stressed adults.’
- CBD Oil: CBD refers to a substance which is extracted from marajuana plants, this isolated compound produces a calming effect without the ‘high’ associated with marijuana. Various studies have associated CBD with anti-anxiety effects and pain relief. For some excellent CBD oil click here.
- Passion Flower: This purple flower is a member of the passiflora family, it’s long been praised for its ability to promote sleep and ease anxiety. One study on Health Line discusses how passionflower can improve sleep quality.
7. Set A New Goal
To enrich your life why not try setting yourself a new goal? It could be a career goal, a personal goal, or a hobby you’ve always wanted to try. When we have nothing to work towards it’s easy to become bored and lethargic. With a new challenge you could learn a new skill, work on your personal development, and perhaps extend your social circles. To help you to set new goals it can be helpful to use a journal. Those who like the idea of a digital journal should check out goal setting apps such as Reflectly or Way of Life.
8. Get A Pet
According to research in Psychology Today, ‘pets make us happier and healthier’. Having a pet to look after can help to boost our endorphin levels and improve our exercise regimes. If you have children, having a pet can be a great way to teach them about responsibility.
9. Go Green
Living a more eco-friendly lifestyle is a fantastic way to improve your well-being. There are plenty of ways that you can make eco-friendly changes around your home:
- Compost your food waste: Composting your food waste allows you to reduce the waste you send to landfill. It’s also helpful if you’re looking to grow your own vegetables.
- Switch to renewable energy: When you’re shopping around for your provider look out for a green-energy company.
- Green-products: From your candles to your cleaning products and paints, choose non toxic products which do not harm the environment.
With small changes like these you’ll create a healthier home in no time.
Improving your well-being can take a little time. Be patient with yourself, making small lifestyle changes one at a time.
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