We all know that we need to reduce our use of plastic bags on a daily basis for the sake of our mother nature. When you buy something, more and more establishments are taking a decent approach and offering you a paper bag instead of a plastic bag as the carrier. Many also include reusable cloth or canvas bags. These are more durable and come in a variety of styles and sizes!
Isn’t it true that we’re all trying to minimize, reuse, and recycle? Ranging from minor storage cartons to a big machine tending robot, as a user, we wish to recycle and reuse all our stuff. That’s why we save our paper and shopping bags in the hopes of getting a few more uses out of them. When you open your cabinet, though, you don’t need to be greeted by an avalanche of paper bags and shopping bags.
With these 10 reusable shopping and paper bag storage alternatives, you can put an end to the chaos.
Magazine Holder
Well, the magazine holders are already designed to keep paper, so they may easily be converted to paper bag storage. They fit neatly into folded paper bags. You may tuck them away in a cabinet. You can also use Command strips to attach them to the outside of your fridge or the interior of a cupboard. Make your own wooden storage bins if you enjoy DIY projects.
Wire Step File Organizers
Step file organizers are useful for more than just the office. They’re ideal for storing paper bags in the kitchen or pantry. Place your folded paper bags between the partitions of a file organizer inside a cabinet.
Springs or Bungee Cords
Wire extension springs or bungee cords can be used to keep paper bags and reusable grocery bags in place. Install two cup hooks four inches apart on the inside of the top of your cabinet door. At the bottom of the cabinet door, add two more below your initial set. (First, double-check the thickness of the door—you don’t want the cup hook’s screw to poke through to the outside!)
From top to bottom on each side, tie a long spring or bungee cord to your cup hooks. Your folded bags will stay neatly secured to the door if you slide them in between your springs or cords.
Mail Bins
As mail bins are designed to be mounted, they are ideal for storing your favorite paper pouch packaging. As a result, you’ll be able to easily conceal your paper bags and reusable shopping bags within a cupboard or pantry. Folded paper bags fit nicely in the bin, and the hooks can be used to hang keys, dog leashes, and light outerwear.
Clothing Hangers
A single hanger can be used to store bags. Obtain a hanger with clips, such as the type used to hang pants and skirts. It can be used to hang your paper bags from a pantry or cupboard hook or a closet rod.
Milk Crate
For individuals who want to keep a lot of paper bags and shopping bags on hand, a milk box is another paper bag storage option. Keep it under your shelf or on top of your cupboards in your pantry. If you have room, you may also keep your reusable grocery bags in the same container.
Chip or Binder Clip
Using a chip or binder clip, clip and hang a few paper bags. To keep your bags together, use a binder clip and hang it from a Command hook in a handy location. You may also hang your bags on the outside of your fridge with a magnetic chip clip.
Over-the-Door Organizer
For corralling paper bags and shopping bags, an over-the-door organizer is ideal. Simply fold your luggage so that they don’t stick up too high and block the door.
Plastic Filing Box
If you have a lot of paper bags and shopping bags, a plastic filing box can be a good option. You can keep your valuable paper bags instead of files!
Fabric Storage Cubes
These multi-purpose storage basics can be found at the dollar shop, and you’ll find uses for them in every room of your home. For paper bag storage, keep a fabric storage cube in the kitchen (in a cabinet, pantry, or on top of the fridge). You can also get reusable supermarket bags to get rid of the paper bag clutter!
Some More Tips
Here are some more tips to store your favorite plastic and shopping bags in the best possible manner:
- You can store all of the bags in one huge plastic container and organize them by type. Instead of stacking them horizontally, keep them upright to make it easier to find what you need when you need it.
- Begin by flattening each bag to ensure that you get the most out of your storage space. Keep the handle within the bag so it doesn’t get tangled up with other bags when they’re packed tightly. That way, when you want to take a bag out, it would be neater and easier.
- If the bag is too tall or wide, simply fold it in half so that all of the bags are around the same height and can fit into the container.
- If your container is large enough and you don’t have a lot of shopping bags, you can use bookends to keep them upright and from leaning sideways. When the bags are no longer erect, they tend to become dirty. Also, the bags that lay flat on the bottom are forgotten because they are so difficult to remove.
Final Thoughts
Plastic and other reusable shopping bags are gradually becoming obsolete. But most of us still have so many that we’re having trouble finding places to keep them. You could stuff them all into another bag or buy a traditional plastic bag organizer.
There are thousands of different ways to store plastic and shopping bags that are just as useful. Many of the other options, too, rely on DIY and recycled items to make storage easier.
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