Welcome to my stop on the Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour for In the Frame (A Rosedale Investigation) by Lyn Farrell. Stop by each blog on the tour for interviews, guest posts, spotlights, reviews and more!
In the Frame (A Rosedale Investigation)
by Lyn Farrell
In the Frame (A Rosedale Investigation)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Camel Press (January 10, 2023)
Paperback : 218 pages
Rosedale Investigations team has two cases this time: a missing woman and a client who wants a provenance created for an antique painting. The missing woman dies in an accident but the team doubts it was accidental. Researching the century-old painting reveals that it’s considered cursed and then it’s stolen.
Interview with Lyn Farrell
Thanks for taking the time to share a bit about yourself with my readers and me!
Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Lyn Farquhar, and my pennames are Lyn Farrell and Lia Farrell. I have a master’s degree in English literature and a Ph.D. in Administration. I love kids, gardening and dogs. I’m now retired and enjoying my life and family. And my writing!
How long have you been writing?
I started writing after retiring from Michigan State University where I worked for 35 years for the medical school as an administrator. My first book, “One Dog Too Many” was published in 2013. That book, as well as 6 others were written with my daughter Lisa under the penname Lia Farrell.
Did you always want to be an author? What made you choose the cozy mystery genre?
Yes, I always wanted to be an author. Taught myself to read as a four year-old and loved reading aloud to my little sister. I’m a fan of the who–dunnit and have read everything Agatha Christie wrote. Research tells us that women readers prefer romance and mystery, so the cozy mystery was a logical choice to write.
Do you prefer to read cozy mystery books, or do you have another favorite genre? What are you reading now?
I do prefer the cozies, although since I’ve read so many, I’ve honed my reading to writers who have great skill in plotting and description. I also read WWII books. I am currently reading Anthony Horowitz, “The Magpie Murders.”
Do you have a favorite place to write?
I do most of my writing at my desk that has a lovely view of my front garden and a bird feeder. When I get stuck on a problem, I take long walks through the open fields with my spaniel.
What’s on your desk (if you write at one!)?
What a cool question! I have a Christmas cactus, a Frame (one of those with pictures that flip through) a little paperweight my youngest daughter made when she was 6, a picture of my husband and myself, a frame with a drawing my mother made of me, a photo of one of my famous grandfather’s paintings, and a bunch of bills!
What is the first book you remember reading as a child? What was one of your favorite books you read as a child?
My mother read us “Winnie the Pooh” which I still adore. The first long book I read was “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. I also read, “The Pearl” by Steinbeck in middle school. One of my favorite mysteries series features the half white, half Aboriginal detective Napoleon Bonaparte in the series by Arthur Upfield.
Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?
I prefer physical books, but e-books are perfect for travelling. Physical books give me the multi-sensory input of the weight of the book, the smell of paper, the entire experience of entering another world. As Emily Dickinson said, “There is no frigate like a book to take us worlds away.”
If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?
Another great question. I’d like to live in Greece on the Island of Santorini for a year.
What or who has influenced you the most as a writer?
It’s basically my wide reading, but also the televised mysteries, especially those done on the Brit Box streaming service by the BBC. They are fabulous! (Christy: I love BritBox!)
Do you have any author friends who support you while you’re writing? Do you belong to any writing groups?
Yes, I’m chair of the Michigan State University Creative Writer’s Group and they are all really good at critiquing my work. My daughters and step-daughters and several friends are also Wonderfully supportive.
Finally, what are you working on now? Can you tell us a bit about it?
I’m considering starting a new series, starring an older woman who has no police of law credentials but who finds herself solving mysteries. Her first case will be a young woman who comes to see her because of her reputation and asks her to find her father.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions!
About Lyn Farrell
Writing as both Lia Farrell and Lyn Farrell, I’ve been publishing books since 2013. I decided to become a writer in the seventh grade. My home life was chaotic and I found peace spending summers at my grandmother’s dairy farm. With little supervision, I wandered the hundred-and-twenty-acre farm and discovered the beauty and healing power of nature. Today, when I need inspiration for my stories, I take long walks. My memories of the time I spent at the farm resulted in a novel “The Cottonwoods” released on 8/21.
My first marriage ended in divorce, leaving me with two young children. Five years later, I fell in love with a divorced professor with six children. Raising that many kids required working full-time. When I retired from Michigan State University, I returned to my original dream of becoming a writer. My daughter, Lisa, and I wrote the “Mae December mysteries” using the penname of Lia Farrell. They are amusing, mental puzzles called cozies, with an element of romance. Cozies are the gentlest subset of the broad genre of crime writing. It’s a comfort read that leaves you satisfied and at one with the world.
Now writing solo as Lyn Farrell, I recently published “The Blind Switch” (January 2021). It’s the first in a series about a private detective agency, Rosedale Investigations. Two of my readers’ favorite characters from the Mae December mysteries, Dory and Wayne Nichols, have starring roles in these books. “The Blind Split” (released 1/11) is the second in the series. In The Frame is the third book in the series.
Author Links
Amazon Author Page:https://amzn.to/3qkiKxr
Author Web Page: https://www.lynfarrell.com/
Purchase Links – Amazon – B&N – Kobo
Enter the giveaway
February 1 – Cassidy’s Bookshelves – SPOTLIGHT
February 1 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
February 2 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT
February 2 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT
February 3 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
February 4 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT
February 5 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 5 – Elza Reads – REVIEW
February 6 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT
February 6 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 7 – I’m Into Books – CHARACTER GUEST POST
February 8 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW
February 9 – Lady Hawkeye – SPOTLIGHT
February 10 – The Plain-Spoken Pen – REVIEW, AUTHOR GUEST POST
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Dear Christy:
Thank you so much for posting this interview about me, Lyn Farrell, as an author. I’ve written 11 books now and have sold over 30,000. A lot of my sales have come from Harlequin, as they have
picked up several of my books for their readerships. They are always given new covers, and are
printed in the mass market size. It was my Executive Editor, Jennifer McCord who negotiated
this deal. So pleased! Thanks again.
You’re welcome! Thank you for stopping and for answering my questions!