Welcome to my stop on the Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour for Fast Times, Big City by Shelly Frome. Stop by each blog on the tour for interviews, guest posts, spotlights, reviews and more!
Fast Times, Big City
by Shelly Frome
Fast Times, Big City
Publisher : BQB Publishing (February 27, 2024)
Paperback : 284 pages
Like most people, Bud Palmer felt this was just another day. Though the era was drawing to a close, he assumed his life as a sports columnist in the subtropics, in keeping with the benign fifties itself, would go on as predictable as ever. But that particular autumn morning he was thrust into a caper that was totally beyond him, forced him to leave Miami and take the train to Manhattan, and suddenly found everything in this restless “Big Apple” was up for grabs, on the brink, at a dicey turning point.
Author Interview
Thanks for taking the time to share a bit about yourself with my readers and me!
How long have you been writing?
I switched from playwriting to novel writing about twenty years ago.
Did you always want to be an author? What made you choose the mystery genre?
I spent a number of years as an actor, then teaching acting and directing and incorporating playwriting. When I retired from the department of dramatic arts at the University of Connecticut, I discovered I no longer had to contend with casting (finding the right people) and being limited by a stage set if I turned to the novel format. In a sense, I became free to travel and go inward in terms of any given character’s private thoughts which may be in opposition to his or hers outward façade and behavior. In the world of crime I discovered there was always something at stake, it was never going to be just another day, and things were constantly in motion including the weather.
Do you prefer to read cozy mystery books, or do you have another favorite genre?
The books I read run the gamut from old detective fiction to literary novels. Whatever pulls me in and involves me in some compelling character or characters’ plight, taking me back to the past or present in a myriad number of ways written by talented writers. Often, as I try in my own writing, it’s as if I’m watching a captivating movie.
Do you have a favorite place to write?
I’m usually at my desk or daydreaming somewhere. As long as there’s no distracting noise.
What is the first book you remember reading as a child? What was one of your favorite books?
I seem to recall reading classic comics about Robin Hood, the knights of the round table and various other famous tales that carried me away to some bygone era.
Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?
I prefer physical books because they somehow allow me to be carried away. And it’s even okay if I fall asleep and pick it up tomorrow where I left off. Maybe I just associate reading with a book in my hands.
If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?
I suppose it would be someplace like Paris on the left bank where expats like Hemingway hung out because you’d have the never-ending stimulus of the place and a mixture of creative people.
What or who has influenced you the most as a writer?
Hemingway, Salinger and Ray Bradbury come to mind because they validated the possibility you could have your own distinctive style and way of looking at the world without concerning yourself with marketing, trends or any other externals. Just as the French impressionistic painters took a complete departure from the dictates of the academy.
Finally, what are you working on now? Can you tell us a bit about it?
The working title is “Charlie and the Blue Ridge Caper.” This time I’m actually working on a cozy. It centers on a handyman who has spent most of his life avoiding involvement with other people until one day a newlywed, who also happens to be a new resident in this little mountain town exactly like my own Black Mountain, comes barging in on Charlie’s woodsy, secluded cabin claiming her husband is missing.
The inspiration is perhaps all the men I know of a certain age who opt for the routine of fixing and maintenance and never stray, supposedly hanging onto a sense of security. I’m reminded of something a minister once told me: we can never be whole until we tap the side of ourselves that’s lying dormant—e.g., spiritual, a naturalist, creative artist of some sort, campaigner or protestor championing some just cause, etc..
Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions!
The looming billboards were so massive, in contrast the Times Square sign jutting out of the lamppost was totally eclipsed. As if it might have been a relic from a long-ago era before everything had given way. Here, high above the rooftops to Bud’s right, was a massive Pepsi bottle doing its best to block out the sky, not to be outdone by an equally outsized bottle top on its side. Further ahead as the Square verged into a tip of a triangle, other billboards joined the fray, starting with a domineering Admiral Television and Appliances sign, topped by a Canadian Club whiskey sign, topped by a Chevrolet sign. All but eclipsed, a lesser billboard around the corner advertised the musical West Side Story—the very same black-and-white logo with the girl ecstatically racing by the tenements pulling her boyfriend along. Other logos and marquees took part by marking the street entrances to buildings so that the Statler Hotel sign didn’t stand a chance.
At the same time, fighting off the prospect of becoming overwhelmed, Bud couldn’t help wondering if Amy had been among the rushing pedestrians who had gotten off the buses and trains. Had they too gotten wind of small town dreams—that legendary call of the lady carnival barker promising never-ending opportunities?
About Shelly Frome
Shelly Frome is a member of Mystery Writers of America, a professor of dramatic arts emeritus at UConn, a former professional actor, and a writer of crime novels and books on theater and film. He also is a features writer for Gannett Publications. His fiction includes Sun Dance for Andy Horn, Lilac Moon, Twilight of the Drifter, Tinseltown Riff, Murder Run, Moon Games, The Secluded Village Murders, Miranda and the D-Day Caper and Shadow of the Gypsy. Among his works of non-fiction are The Actors Studio: A History, a guide to playwriting and one on screenwriting, Fast Times, Big City is his latest foray into the world of crime and the amateur sleuth. He lives in Black Mountain, North Carolina.
Social Media Links
- Author website: http://www.shellyfrome.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorShellyFrome
- Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/shellyFrome
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelly-frome-8a784029
- GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1358660.Shelly_Frome
Purchase Links – Amazon B&N Kobo Bookshop.org
Enter the giveaway
March 25 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 26 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT
March 27 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 28 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT
March 29 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT
March 30 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT
March 31 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
April 2 – The Mystery Section – SPOTLIGHT
April 3 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT
April 4 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
April 5 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
April 6 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW
April 7 – Teatime and Books – SPOTLIGHT
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I liked the excerpt, thank you.
Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to it.
I enjoyed reading through the author interview
Thanks for sharing!
This looks like a great mystery. Thanks for hosting this tour.
I enjoyed reading about this book and I love the title.
This sounds like an interesting book and I also like the cover.
This looks like a great read.
Sounds fascinating..
This sounds like a book that would be interesting to read.
Sounds like a book I would really enjoy reading.
The excerpt is interesting. Thank you for sharing it.
I love the cover art. So neat and eye catching
I enjoyed the author interview. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sounds like a really interesting read.
Someone (can’t remember who now) told me I won the $25 gift card but it wasn’t sent. Can you please let me know? Thanks.
I’ll have to ask the Great Escapes Tour coordinator.