Welcome to my stop on the Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour for Muffalettas and Murder: Small Town Girl Mysteries by Jann Franklin. Stop by each blog on the tour for interviews, guest posts, spotlights, reviews and more!
Muffalettas and Murder: Small Town Girl Mysteries
by Jann Franklin
Muffalettas and Murder: Small Town Girl Mysteries
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Setting – Louisiana
Publisher : Rougarou Press (January 30, 2023)
Paperback : 238 pages
Evangeline Delafose is finding Graisseville, Louisiana just as she remembered—boring and uneventful. Until her brother Nate asks her to help solve a murder.
Follow Ev as she navigates clues, dead bodies, and quirky small-town residents to solve a mystery. And of course, show her little brother that she’s still got it.
If you like cozy mysteries with twists and turns, deep South settings, and a hint of romance, you’ll love this series! Let’s not forget quirky yet charming characters who remind you of family—sometimes you want to hug them, and sometimes you want to disown them. Enjoy small town Graisseville with Ev as she solves crime with help from her family and friends. This is a clean faith based read with no profanity, sex, or graphic violence.
This book is the first of the Small-Town Girl Mystery Series.
My review of Muffalettas and Murder
I loved Muffalettas and Murder by Jann Franklin! It’s the first book in her Small Town Girl Mysteries, and if you love small town cozy mysteries, this is for you!
Evangeline “Ev” Delafose is a middle-aged widow who, through the encouragement of her college aged kids, has moved back to the small town where she grew up, Graisseville (pronounced, GRACE-vil), Louisiana, current population: 298 people. I love it when the setting of a cozy is a really small town. Everyone knows your business. In Ev’s case, they know she’s lost a lot of weight since her husband, Doug (a police detective), passed away. Ev is an author who based all of her detective mystery books on her husband and has no desire to write another one. When her brother, Nate, gives her an essentially cold case to look at with fresh eyes, she jumps at the chance. And the game is afoot…
Muffalettas and Murder has incredibly well-written main characters. I loved getting to know Ev and Shorty. Ev is very intelligent and is good at getting people to tell her things that they wouldn’t tell the police. She has great taste in television shows too! I’ve watched them all, so it was really fun to “get” the references Ev makes. Sometimes things she’s seen on these shows, helps Ev decide how to go about questioning witnesses and possible suspects. Shorty totally makes this book. He is hilarious without even trying. I’m not going to give anything away about him because I couldn’t do him justice, and he’s a character you want to experience first-hand. The author does a great job at handling multiple side characters. I was a little lost at first, but once these characters popped up again, I was able to keep track of them. I’m sure many of them appear in subsequent books, and I’m looking forward to “seeing” them again!
I absolutely loved investigating with Ev and Shorty. They gather lots of clues, so you’ve got to decide which ones are helpful and which are red herrings. There are a lot of twists and turns that will eventually lead you to figuring out who the murderer is. This mystery is well-plotted, and the pacing is just right.
I highly recommend Muffaletta and Murder for its well-written cast of characters, deep south setting, humor, and fun to solve mystery! I’m looking forward to reading more of the Small Town Girl mystery series!
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.
Character Guest Post: How Did I Get Here?
My adorable kids, all grown up, thought they knew everything. But me, Dr. Evangeline Louise Bergeron Delafose, PhD. I was in charge of my life. Or so I thought.
My youngest, the one who understood me best, announced one day that Nate was right—I needed to pack it all up and move closer to family. Not her, of course.
“Mom, that would be weird. My mother living in the same town as me? I’m a freshman in college! It’s my time to spread my wings.”
Matty agreed. “Mom, Ellie’s right. You should live closer to Uncle Nate and Aunt Bonnie. Grandpa too. You need to make some changes.”
Traitors. If Doug was here…but he wasn’t. So, I packed up my stuff and moved. Not anywhere crazy, like Tahiti. But it was crazy to me, a step backwards. When I married Doug, I’d made a vow to love, honor, cherish, and never move back to Graisseville (pronounced, GRACE-vil), Louisiana.
For three months, I’d been adjusting to my hometown and the 297 other people. The casserole brigade descended upon me like vultures on roadkill. These senior ladies sniffed out every new resident within the parish, plying them with King Ranch casserole and enchilada pie.
But I didn’t play bridge, preferred not to gossip, and led a completely boring life. The newness wore off, and the brigade moved on.
But how did I go from social introvert to amateur sleuth? It was a Thursday, my weekly supper with my brother.
“Ev, you’ve lost more weight. Did you eat the gumbo Bonnie sent over?” Nate’s mouth curled up in a smile, but his eyes exposed the concern.
Why was everyone so worried about me? Was I that pathetic? “Yes, Nate, I ate Bonnie’s gumbo. Yes, I read the book she gave me. Yes, I’m coming to Jack’s football game and Syd’s piano recital this weekend. Yes, I’ll be at church on Sunday.” My eyes jerked in my brother’s direction and softened. He was trying to take care of me, like Doug did before he passed away.
My brother was relentless. “Changing the subject, have you thought about starting another book? Writing, I mean—not reading. The guys down at the station still talk about your character, Lou Bergeron, and how authentic he is.”
My series of books, featuring New Orleans police detective Lou Bergeron, had been reasonably successful. Lou was no Alex Cross, by any standard. But the royalties from my books supplemented my professor’s salary. Along with Doug’s detective pay, our life had been pretty darn good.
Only…Lou Bergeron was Doug. He was authentic because Doug made him so. My husband was always the first to read my books, making my character an authentic police officer. With Doug gone, I couldn’t visit Lou down at the police station and help solve his cases.
“Yes, I’ve thought about it. But I can’t write about Lou without thinking about Doug. I’m not sure I ever want to write again.” There! I’d spoken the thoughts crouching under the rug. My words freed them, and they’d sprung into the middle of the room.
Nate nodded, his brown eyes revealing just a hint of tears. “No pressure! I just wanted to double-check, because the guys always ask me. But I understand, Ev, I truly do. On another note, I had an idea…”
Reaching into his briefcase, my brother pulled out a medium-sized manila folder and laid it on the cleared table. An East Baton Rouge Parish sheriff’s department folder, from the looks of the official seal.
“This case is technically inactive. It’s been eighteen months, and we’re stuck.” Nate’s eyes took on the familiar sad puppy dog look, the one he’d always used to get what he wanted. Those eyes always worked on Mother and me, but never my father.
“Ev, I can’t let it go! This was a good kid. We like his sister for his murder, but we just don’t have enough evidence to prove it. The D.A. won’t touch it. So, I talked to the sheriff, and explained how you write, or used to write, detective novels for a living. Turns out he’s a fan.” Nate’s eyes lit up with pride.
Who would’ve guessed that writing stories about my husband would score a fan base?
“Okay, Nate. So, the sheriff is a fan. What do you want from me? Should I autograph the file?”
Glancing at the manila folder before me, I couldn’t help but flip it open. Doug had brought home many files, so these pages stared at me like familiar friends. Where do I put my autograph? Should I use my go-to pink glitter pen, or should it be black ink? My eyes shifted to Nate for confirmation.
“No, Ev, the sheriff doesn’t want an autograph.” My brother paused, then walked it back. “Well, he doesn’t want an autograph on this file. It’s a copy of the original. Your copy. He’d…well, we’d…”
Spit it out, Nate, because I’m not following you.
“We’d like you to look at the case through fresh eyes—hopefully find something we missed. Would you do that for us? For Michael Cook, the deceased?”
Hmmm…this was intriguing. Doug had often shared his cases with me after the kids went to bed. But I functioned as a sounding board, to nod or shake my head as he ran through his theories and clues. To play detective, limited as it would be, seemed…well, it seemed much more fun than playing bridge and definitely more interesting than joining the church decorating committee.
“I’ll do it! Umm…I mean, if the sheriff’s department would like my help, of course.” C’mon Ev, rein in your enthusiasm. And yet…this could be so much fun!
And it is! I’ve wrapped up my fifth case and passed my private investigator exam. There’s always a mystery to solve, because crime is always in season.
About Jann Franklin
Jann Franklin is a faith-based cozy mystery writer living in Grand Cane, Louisiana with slightly less than three hundred other people. Many of her stories are based on the tales she hears from residents.
She and her husband John enjoy Sundays at Grand Cane Baptist Church, dinner with family and friends, and watching the lightning bugs in their backyard. Their kids come to visit, when they aren’t too busy living their big-city lives. Visit her at www.jannfranklin.com
Author Links
Webpage: https://jannfranklin.com
Blog: https://jannfranklin.com/blog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jannfranklinauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jannfranklinauthor/
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22583014.Jann_Franklin
Purchase Links – Amazon – B&N – Kobo – Bookshop.org
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Muffalettas and Murder TOUR PARTICIPANTS
May 16 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
May 17 – Mystery, Thrillers & Suspense – SPOTLIGHT
May 18 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – REVIEW
May 19 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
May 20 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT
May 21 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading – REVIEW
May 22 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
May 23 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW
May 24 – Cozy Up WIth Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
May 25 – StoreyBook Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST
May 26 – Literary Gold – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
May 26 – Bigreadersite – REVIEW
May 27 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW
May 28 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
May 28 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
May 29 – Novels Alive – REVIEW
May 29 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POST
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This looks like a great mystery. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Thank you, Michael! I loved writing all Ev’s mysteries-book 5, “Sweet Tea and Suspects” will be out July 11
Sounds like a cozy mystery I will enjoy reading.
Rita I hope that you try it! My 5th in series comes out July 11. So if you get hooked, you’ve got a supply to feed your addiction!
Very cute cover
Thank you, Nancy! I chose dlr cover designs because she specializes in cozy mysteries😄
Sounds like a fun read, I love the title.
Thank you Julie! It was a lot of fun to write-I hope you take a chance and read it!
I love Cozy mysteries and this looks like another good one. I love the title.