Welcome to my stop on the Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour for Malice, Matrimony, and Murder: A Limited-Edition Collection of 25 Wedding Cozy Mystery and Crime Fiction Stories. Stop by each blog on the tour for interviews, guest posts, spotlights, reviews and more!
Malice, Matrimony, and Murder: A Limited-Edition Collection of 25 Wedding Cozy Mystery and Crime Fiction Stories
by Joslyn Chase, Charlotte Morganti, P.M. Raymond, Paige Sleuth, Teresa Inge, Sally Milliken, Rebecca Olmstead, Nikki Knight, Shari Held, Barbara Howard, Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier, KD Sherrinford, Stephen D. Rogers, Elaine Togneri, Lynn Hesse, Margaret S. Hamilton, Stella Oni, Robert Petyo, Pamela Kyel, Karen McCullough, Wil A. Emerson, Jack Bates, J. Aquino, Sharyn Kolberg, Becky Clark
Malice, Matrimony, and Murder: A Limited-Edition Collection of 25 Wedding Cozy Mystery and Crime Fiction Stories
Cozy Mystery
Marla Bradeen (November 13, 2023)
Paperback : 478 pages
The bride wore an orange jumpsuit…
Everyone loves a good wedding–and a good mystery. Combine the two and what do you get? Malice, Matrimony, and Murder!
Over two dozen authors have teamed up to offer you this wedding-themed collection of brand-new cozy mystery and cozy crime fiction stories that will keep you wondering whodunit and what’s next from the first page to the last. Between bad bridesmaids, conniving caterers, greedy guests, ill-mannered in-laws, savvy sleuths, and vengeful villains, this anthology has it all! All of the stories are clean and fun, with a general feel-good tone. If you read to be entertained, surprised, and uplifted, then this collection is for you!
Plus, the anthology as a whole contains an overarching wedding whodunit woven throughout. As you’re reading, collect the clues, identify whodunit, and access a special ebook filled with bonuses and extras. Inside you’ll find recipes, character interviews, bonus stories, and more!
If you’re drawn to shorter mysteries that are light on gore and language, and high on humor, entertainment, and happy endings, then you don’t want to miss out on Malice, Matrimony, and Murder. But this collection is only available for a limited-time, so grab it now before it’s gone forever!
Our stories
– “The Groom’s Club” by Joslyn Chase.
– “A Wedding Planner’s Nightmare: A Persimmon Worthing Mystery” by Charlotte Morganti.
– “Cinderella at Midnight” by P.M. Raymond.
– “Ring Robbery: A Cozy Cat Caper Mystery Short” by Paige Sleuth.
– “What’s a Little Murder Between Friends” by Teresa Inge.
– “Icing on the Cake” by Sally Milliken.
– “Love and Death in Madison, Georgia” by Rebecca Olmstead.
– “Second Chances Are…Murder: A Vermont Radio Mystery” by Nikki Knight.
– “Wedding Vows & Vipers” by Shari Held.
– “The Bride Wore Death” by Barbara Howard.
– “Chill: A Naomi Sinclair Short Story” by Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier.
– “A Bit of a Do” by KD Sherrinford.
– “Goes Around” by Stephen D. Rogers.
– “Jilted” by Elaine Togneri.
– “Sabotage and a Murder Mystery” by Lynn Hesse.
– “Til Death Do Us Part” by Margaret S. Hamilton.
– “A Wedding Most Bitter: A Lara’s Detective Agency Series” by Stella Oni.
– “Better Late Than Murdered” by Robert Petyo.
– “Charm City Wedding” by Pamela Kyel.
– “The Other Wedding Crasher” by Karen McCullough.
– “Marriage, Neighbors and Best Friends: A Wally and Ollie Series” by Wil A. Emerson.
– “The Wedding Dress in the Middle of the Road” by Jack Bates.
– “Death, the Unwanted Wedding Guest” by J. Aquino.
– “We Haven’t Had Cake” by Sharyn Kolberg.
– “To Have and To Scold” by Becky Clark.
Character Guest Post
- submitted by Charlotte Morganti (https://charlottemorganti.com/), author of the Malice, Matrimony, and Murder story “A Wedding Planner’s Nightmare”
Welcome to Blossom City
A blog post by Persimmon Branch Worthing of Blossom City
Dear readers,
Joshua Vine, the mayor of Blossom City and pastor of a local church, has asked me to write an introduction to the town for its website. “You’ve lived here all your life, Persimmon. Who better to tell people about the many reasons to visit our small town?”
I am not as certain as Mayor Vine that I am the correct choice.
Yes, it’s true I’ve lived here all my life. That is, if you discount those few unfortunate years away at university which my mother impressed on me were never to be spoken about again. In any event, during my years in Blossom City I have gained a vast insider’s knowledge of the workings of the town. And there’s the rub: I believe in transparency. However, there are so many beans one should not spill about Blossom City and the peccadillos of its residents.
Mayor Vine even gave me suggestions about what to discuss. “Focus on our annual celebrations and events, Persimmon,” he said. “Tell people that our town may be small, but its choice of gatherings is immense.” He’s correct of course. In the spirit of inclusivity, the mayor and council freely grant permits for every event the town’s residents propose. I’ve often suspected their willingness to grant permits comes from a fear of being accused of favoritism or elitism should they deny a request.
“Don’t forget our Lazy Days Festival,” Vine told me. As if I would! Lazy Days is a week-long celebration of summer, and its highlight is our famous parade. Unfortunately, the reason for the parade’s fame is that something untoward happens every year during the parade. Each year spectators arrive in the wee hours and set up their lawn chairs along the parade route to ensure they witness whatever misfortune befalls the parade.
The most notorious occurrence was the stabbing of our previous mayor mid-parade, a fact likely to make many would-be visitors cross Blossom City off their “must-visit list.” I raised the matter with the mayor. “Surely you remember when Mayor Mallard was murdered during the parade, Joshua? It happened almost directly outside your church. I’m not sure I can cast that tragedy in a positive light.”
“Yes, of course, Persimmon,” Vine said. “Well, then perhaps discuss our annual competitions. Surely there are several worth mentioning?”
Again, he was correct. The mayor’s smile widened as I listed the competitions from which I could choose: a search for the best pickle or the coolest ice sculpture; Blossom City’s summer games which attract athletes skilled at three-legged races, raft racing, and greased pole climbing; and the Accordion-o-rama to which the Canadian square-dancing crowd is addicted.
“Excellent, Persimmon,” he said, clapping his hands. “Any one of those events is bound to attract tourists.”
I reminded him that not one of those events had been without a casualty or two. More often a death. At that point the mayor’s face fell. But then, just as quickly, he brightened and told me that because the police had solved all the mysteries underlying the mishaps (as he was fond of calling murders), I should write about how Blossom City’s police force keeps the residents safe.
Most assuredly I could draft an interesting paragraph or two about our town’s police department. It is headed by Sergeant Milton Courgette, who has just passed the tenth anniversary of his arrival in Blossom City. Still a newcomer in other words.
I first met Courgette when he conducted a door-to-door canvass of my neighborhood, in the hope of identifying the culprit who had zonked a zucchini gardener on the head with one of her own squash. The first thing I noticed about Courgette was his unbelievably horrid French accent.
Later, after I had helped him solve a case or two, I learned that Courgette is as Anglo as most of us in Blossom City. But, because of his name, he believes that Frenchness and a facility with the language is in his blood. I don’t have the heart to tell him he is misguided. I simply grit my teeth and try to repress the shudders when he feels the need to sprinkle a French word or two into the conversation.
I’ve often wondered if Courgette has convinced himself that his name is a handy excuse for his addiction to French pastries. I must admit I have taken advantage of his fondness for sweets on many occasions. Whenever I need to know how an investigation is going, I invite him to join me for coffee at La Patisserie and arrange to have a platter of pastries on the table. Let’s hope the criminal element in town never discover how weak Courgette is when faced with an array of French desserts.
I mentioned earlier that I had assisted Courgette solve an occasional mystery. In truth, more often than not, he and I solve the mystery together. Being a newcomer, Courgette does not know the history of the town and the relationships among all the residents. Whereas I do. And as Courgette has confirmed several times, it is one’s civic duty to share helpful tidbits with the police. I like to say that if investigating crime was a sport, then I am Courgette’s color commentator.
Although Mayor Vine hopes to see a paragraph lauding the ability of Courgette and his team to keep the town safe, I’m afraid he will be disappointed. How can I write about the police department’s crime solving expertise without disclosing that I, a mere citizen, have played a major role in resolving many (let’s be honest – most) of our town’s crimes?
I have a solution for Mayor Vine, however. I will convince him that the best invitation our town could offer tourists is to simply say, “Blossom City is predictably unpredictable.” Or perhaps, “Blossom City – expect the unexpected.” Either statement will be perfectly accurate.
Author Websites
Joslyn Chase: https://joslynchase.com/
Charlotte Morganti: https://charlottemorganti.com/
P.M. Raymond: http://www.pmraymond.com/
Paige Sleuth: https://www.marlabradeen.com/
Teresa Inge: http://www.teresainge.com/
Sally Milliken: http://www.sallymillikenauthor.com/
Rebecca Olmstead: https://www.rebeccaolmstead.com/
Nikki Knight: https://kathleenmarplekalb.com/nikki-knight
Shari Held: http://www.shariheld.com/
Barbara Howard: http://www.authorbarbarahoward.com/
Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier: http://ashleyruthbernier.com/
KD Sherrinford: http://www.kdsherrinford.co.uk/
Stephen D. Rogers: http://www.StephenDRogers.com/
Elaine Togneri: http://www.elainetogneri.com/
Lynn Hesse: https://www.lynnhesse.com/
Margaret S. Hamilton: https://margaretshamilton.wordpress.com/
Stella Oni: https://stellaonithewriter.com/
Pamela Kyel: http://pamelakyel.com/
Karen McCullough: https://kmccullough.com/
Wil A. Emerson: https://www.wilemerson.com/
Becky Clark: https://beckyclarkbooks.com/
Publisher Links
Publisher Website: https://www.marlabradeen.com/
Publisher Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marlabradeenauthor
Publisher Twitter: https://twitter.com/marlabradeen
Purchase Links
Amazon Barnes & Noble Apple Books Kobo Smashwords Books2Read Universal Link GoodReads Link
Enter the Giveaway
Malice, Matrimony, and Murder TOUR PARTICIPANTS
November 30 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT
December 1 – Books to the Ceiling – SPOTLIGHT*
December 2 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT
December 3 – Lady Hawkeye – SPOTLIGHT
December 4 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT
December 5 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST
December 6 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT
December 7 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW
December 8 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT
December 9 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
December 9 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
December 11 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
December 12 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
December 13 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
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Thank you so much for sharing this fun character guest post! Much appreciated and happy holidays!
You’re welcome! Happy Holidays to you too!