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My name is Dewey—Inspector Dewey.
I live in the big green house on Hampshire Avenue with my family: Thumper, Lily, and Anna. I am the Big Cat—responsible for keeping everyone safe and in order. I do this quite well, in spite of the fact that managing my family is like, well, herding cats!
Mostly our life is peaceful. But one night it wasn’t. That was the night the bad guy showed up on our block. Of course, I knew exactly how to outsmart the outlaw, but—miserable mullet!—would Anna and the police understand my instructions?
To find out how the adventure ended, you’ll have to read my book. But I’ll give you a hint: there’s a reason I’m called Inspector Dewey.
My Review
Inspector Dewey is an adorable children’s book about 3 kitties and their human, Anna. If you know me at all, you know how much I love cats! I have 3 myself! Cats all have distinct personalities, and Dewey, Thumper and Lily are no exception. Dewey considers himself head cat and gets into everything! Thumper is a very fluffy kitty who loves to eat! Lily is the sweet baby who likes to get her own way! If you are in her spot, you’d better move! Their human, Anna, loves them all!
When one night, a thief is prowling the neighborhood, the kitties and Anna are on the alert! The story in itself is very cute, but the illustrations really make the story. They are soft and sweet and totally bring Inspector Dewy to life. Your kids will love Inspector Dewey! My daughter is 20, and she loves it too 🙂
Something else to love about this book is the fact that 50% of the profits of book sales will fund veterinary care for pets whose families are in financial need, so that the animals can remain in their homes and out of the shelter system.
About Author Kristen Heimerl
Marketing Officer, Strategy Expert, Innovator and Brand Builder, Kristen’s business career spans 20+ years serving the biggest brands in industry and the biggest hearts of start-ups and entrepreneurs. Kristen revels in bringing compelling products and services to life and helping leaders and individuals with big dreams realize their big goals.
Kristen’s life joys include her 2+ year obsession creating the most beautiful self-published picture book possible, the breathtaking forests and lakes of her Minnesota birthplace, the family that really does love her no matter what, and her three magnificent Norwegian Forest Cats who together, with Kristen, helped catch the bad guy on their block that inspired her upcoming book (stake out and high speed chase included!)
She holds a master of science in eCommerce from Carnegie Mellon University, an MBA from the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management, and a BA from the University of St. Thomas. As the great transformer in her life, Kristen supports others’ education and literacy as an adjunct professor of business and strategy and, more recently, through her children’s book, Inspector Dewey (Available September 2015).
Kristen’s site for her work “Inspector Dewey” will be premiering on May 31st, 2015. In addition, you can read more about Kristen’s work at, also live on May 31st.
Connect with Kristen:
Website ~ Facebook Author ~ Facebook Inspector Dewey
I want to win because I love reading and I love cats!
I’d like to win because I operate a small cat rescue for elderly cats. The vet bills never end. They also have to have canned food, because some are so old, that they don’t have teeth. I have 13 at the moment. I take one or more cat to the vet at least 2 or 3 times a month. And I am not wealthy by any means.
This book is the very definition of cuteness.
I want to win this book because my daughter is a huge fan of cats and loves to read.
My day started bright and early today at Christy’s Cozy Corners. And cozy it was…a good cuppa java…and a good cry! Oh my, I was totally overwhelmed with emotion! To see my book RIGHT THERE on your blog? I was elated, grateful, proud, uncertain, hopeful and more! It’s been a long time in the making and creating Inspector Dewey has unquestionably been among the greatest joys in my lifetime. Thank you sincerely for the opportunity to share my book with you and everyone at Christy’s Cozy Corners. And a big “Holy Halibut!” to all from the Dewster!
Awww! We love Inspector Dewey!
I’ve followed the book from the beginning and my friend/sister of my heart is one of the people and her cat that you honor in it..because I’m the one who told her about the contest. I would love to add it to my collection and share it with my friends
I want to win because this is really cool and unique giveaway.
I would love to win the book for my friends daughter. She loves to read and gets excited any time I bring her a new book. I also could use the $100 for a vet visit. We just took in #6 and he needs to be fixed. I wanted to get some more weight on him before I had it done he was skin and bones when we found him.
I want to win because it sounds interesting
I love reading and this would be perfect for me.
I’d love to read a book from a cat’s perspective. I’ve read books from dogs’ perspectives, but never a cat’s. Sounds interesting and fun!
I love stories about cats!
This is simply awesome. Thanks for the giveaway ??
I would love to win this for my Great Great Niece 🙂
Always looking for my next read. A good one to curl up with – thanks.
My son loves our 2 cats and reading, this would be combining his two loves all into one!
because it looks intriguing!
I want to win this book because it sounds like a great read! 🙂
I want to win this book because it sounds like a book I would love to read. Ty
Our friends are big cat lovers, and they have two little boys who would love to read this book.
I wanted to read this book for I love animals and this book looks like a good read. It has mystery and humor. I entered this on the goodreads giveaway too.
I haven’t had a chance to read much since my triplets were born SIX YEARS AGO. It would be great to finally get back into it.
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
I want to win this because it sounds like a great read that I would really enjoy!
It looks like a fun book.
I have a little one who has been going through a hard time. As a devout cat-loving-kid I just know she’d love to have some reading time with this story. The art is adorable and the story sounds fantastic too!
I think it one cute book and I know that my niece would just love it! I also really admire that they donate a percentage of the profits.
I want to win because it looks interesting!