Welcome to my stop on the Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour for Ghost Agents by Nita DeBorde. Stop by each blog on the tour for interviews, guest posts, spotlights, reviews and more!
An organization that has operated in secret for centuries… a mystery that threatens to burn it all to the ground… and she’s the only agent who can stop it…
Ghost Agents
by Nita DeBorde
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Ghost Agents
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Independently published (July 26, 2021)
Paperback : 309 pages
To the residents and tourists of Galveston Island, Claire Abelard is the friendly young woman who works at the local candy store by day and leads ghost tours of the island’s haunted locations by night. They don’t realize this persona is a cover for Claire’s real job as an agent of the Bureau for Historical Preservation, a clandestine organization that monitors and assists energy projections, or the entities more commonly known as “ghosts.”
When projections begin disappearing from around the island, Claire worries that history may be repeating itself. She launches a dangerous investigation and uncovers a sinister, arcane organization whose agenda threatens not only Galveston’s ghosts, but everything she has worked her whole life to protect.
The truth behind the disappearances rocks Claire’s world to its core and shows her that ghosts aren’t the only things that can come back to haunt you.
Ghost Agents is a genre-defying, cozy paranormal mystery, with a little sci-fi, romance, and Texas history thrown into the mix!
Interview with Ghost Agents’s Author Nita DeBorde
Thanks for taking the time to share a bit about yourself with my readers and me!
Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m a high school French teacher for my day job and a writer to keep myself sane. I love teaching, but I’d like to be able to write full time one day. I love to travel, and I’m dog-mom to an energetic Staffordshire-Boxer mix named Mabel.
How long have you been writing?
My first novel, Project Lachesis, was published in 2014, but I’ve been writing for my own personal enjoyment since I was a kid. When I was in 5th grade, my teacher challenged me to write a children’s book for the kindergarteners in our school. She had a classmate of mine illustrate it and then she had it bound for us & we delivered it to the kindergarten classes. Watching the kids enjoy the book – I was instantly hooked on creating stories!
Did you always want to be an author? What made you choose the cozy mystery genre?
I’ve always in the back of my mind dreamed of being a professional writer one day, though I’ve only recently begun to really work toward making that happen. My first published novel back in 2014 was more of a personal project than a career move. With the Ghost Agents Trilogy, I’m finally setting out to try to make that life-long dream a reality.
I didn’t actually set out to write a cozy mystery, but that’s the direction and tone the story eventually took. I love books that have some kind of mystery in them, so it felt really natural to write one that contained those aspects as well.
Do you prefer to read cozy mystery books, or do you have another favorite genre? What are you reading now?
I can’t say I have a favorite genre, and my very eclectic bookcases can testify to that. I enjoy books that have an intriguing mystery and some suspense. I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy, but I also read a lot of detective novels, though I don’t like stories that are really dark.
Right now, I’m in the process of working my way through James Rollins’s Sigma Force Series. Every year I re-read C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia, and I just finished that.
Do you have a favorite place to write?
I like to write in my office in the evenings, and on my couch in the early morning.
What’s on your desk (if you write at one!)?
Right now, my desk is littered with stacks of spiral notebooks! I like to organize my thoughts that way, and every project gets its own notebook. When I’m working on a novel, this allows me to keep everything – brainstorms, research, questions to follow up, editorial notes, etc. – together in one place for quick reference.
What is the first book you remember reading as a child? What was one of your favorite books you read as a child?
I grew up in a family of readers, so it’s hard to home in on one particular book. I do remember reading and loving The Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone. I would giggle every single time, even though I already knew how it would end. I also remember lots of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein on our bookshelves.
Do you like audiobooks, physical books, or e-books better? Why?
I read both e-books and physical books, but I’m not a big fan of audio books.
If the book is by an author who is new to me, I usually buy the e-book. For authors I already know and like, I like to have a hardcopy of their books. That being said, I really enjoy poking around Half Price Books, so I often come home with books by authors I haven’t read before.
If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?
Since I’m a French teacher for my day job, it shouldn’t be surprising that I would choose France, though I have to say, not Paris. I prefer the region of Provence in the south of France. The people are so friendly and the towns and countryside are beautiful!
What or who has influenced you the most as a writer?
As far as my professional career is concerned, I would have to say the writing tips and resources of K.M. Weiland. When I began working on my novel Project Lachesis in 2012, her writing resources were absolutely indispensable in helping me learn how to outline and organize my story structure.
Do you have any author friends who support you while you’re writing? Do you belong to any writing groups?
I don’t belong to a writing group, but I do have a writing buddy – romance writer, Georgia Tribell. We don’t write in the same genre, but we meet regularly to encourage each other and keep each other on track with our individual projects.
Finally, what are you working on now? Can you tell us a bit about it?
Right now, I am working on the remaining two books of the Ghost Agents trilogy.
The second book in the trilogy, Ghost Agents: Revelations, is slated for release in March of 2022. The setting of this sequel splits time between Boston and New Orleans, where we find Claire dealing with the aftermath of the events of the first book, as well as tackling a new, even-higher-stakes mystery involving energy projections and her work with the Bureau for Historical Preservation.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions!
Thank you for asking them & for being willing to promote my book on your blog!
About Nita DeBorde
Nita DeBorde is a published author and teacher from Houston, TX. Writing and teaching are her two major passions, though traveling and being dog-mom to a crazy Staffordshire-Boxer mix named Mabel are high on the list as well.
Nita has taught high school French for more than 20 years and absolutely loves her “day job” job (about 95% of the time). She loves to travel, and not surprisingly, France is her favorite destination, though her home state of Texas runs a close second.
She is also a huge history buff, which comes through in her fiction writing, and particularly in her latest novel, Ghost Agents, a genre-defying, cozy paranormal mystery with a little sci-fi and romance thrown into the mix. Ghost Agents: Revelations, the 2nd book in the Ghost Agents Trilogy, is slated for release in March 2022.
Nita’s first novel, Project Lachesis, is currently available in both Kindle and hardcopy format from Amazon.com.
Author Links:
Website – http://www.nitadeborde.com
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/debordewriter (@debordewriter)
Twitter – @DebordeNita
GoodReads Author Page – https://www.goodreads.com/ndeborde
Purchase Link – Amazon
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Great interview, Nita, Ghost Agents sounds like a fantastic mystery for me to enjoy and I am looking forward to reading it! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular day!