Making ends meet when you have a home to run can be a huge job. In fact, with the cost of utilities, cleaning products, and furniture, it can be hard to keep up with the financial demand. Luckily, there are some ways that you can cut costs and save money around the home that you can try. Some of the may be a little wacky, but if they keep your wallet full and your family happy, then why not?
Make your own cleaning products
The cost of cleaning products, especially the ones from big brands can run to a significant amount each month. That is why you should try making your own instead. You can save a lot by doing this, and you get the advantage of knowing that you aren’t coating your lovely home with layers and layers of unnatural and harsh chemicals.
To do this, you can use various substances such as white vinegar, lemon, and even oregano oil which is a great antibacterial agent. Read more about how to mix your own here.
Stop buying lunches and save money
It’s okay, I’m not talking about skipping lunches here. Instead, save money by eating leftovers from the night before. This has double benefits as not only do you save on all the cash it costs to buy lunch ingredients, but it also means you can lose a little weight too. After all, you are less likely to overeat in the evening if you know you have to save some for the next day!
The cost of buying lunch every day can soon add up.
Use solar power for electricity to cut costs
A very clever way of cutting cost around your home is to switch from your regular electricity provider to solar power. To do this, you will need to look into solar installation and whether it is a practical option for your property. If it is you can get panels installed on your roof and start generating your own electricity.
That means not only will you have a $0 electric bill, but you can also make additional funds by selling any excess back to the grid.
Smart lights
Looking at smart light bulb systems, you may think there is no money to be saved by using them. However, this is not the case. In fact, there are two main money-saving advantages to using this form of lighting.
The first is that the bulbs are LED, and last for ages, making them much better value than a traditional light bulb. Also because such bulbs can be controlled centrally from an app, you can ensure that the lights in unused rooms area always off and not using up unnecessary electricity.
Forget toilet paper!
I told you this last point is really out there! Of course, I don’t mean that you have to stop wiping. That would just be… well gross and unhygienic!
Instead, why not replace your toilet paper with washable cloths. Now this tip isn’t for everyone, but I’ve heard of many people who do this to save money. It can save some serious money.
How do you save on your household bills? Let me know!
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