The Importance of Making More Time For Yourself
The most vital resource we have is time. You can have all the money you want but if you are running out of time, that money is worthless.
Time is an overlooked and often under appreciated gift. We are all blessed with 24 hours each and every day, yet we live our lives as if tomorrow is guaranteed; when in reality it isn’t. We’re all here for a finite period of time, and nobody knows exactly when their time is up – which is why it’s so important to squeeze the most out of your time.
We all have to work, and take care of family responsibilities, but life should be about finding joy. To you, that might be playing a game like FF15 a New Empire, doing yoga, painting, or traveling. You have to find time for yourself as well as your family.
We each have 24 hours in a day, but how many of your hours are spent doing things that fill your heart with joy and happiness?
If if you were to whizz forward and look back at your life twenty years down the road, would you be happy with the choices you made? Would you make the same choices you’re making today?
Many parents nowadays, are having to work such long hours they end up missing out on the joy of parenting. They’re either too emotionally exhausted from having to balance a career with being a mother, or they are so time-starved they barely get the chance to spend precious time with their children.
Let’s look at a few ways to have more free time freedom to engage with your child during these precious years. It’s worth remembering that life is for you, as well as your children, so it’s important to set time aside for “me time”.
Similar to sitting on a plane, you have to put your own life jacket on before helping your child. It’s important to make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation. Here are three tips to make your life easier so that your time is free to enjoy your life.
It’s true that not everyone can afford a house cleaner, but this can be such a time (and sanity) saver for busy moms. In the alternative, you can always turn cleaning your whole house into a fun game where the kids get involved with cleaning as playtime activity every few weeks.
If possible, see if you can work remotely from home. In a way, that enables you to work flexible hours. This way, your time is your own. If that means you want to spend all day with the kids and catch up on work in the evening you would be free to do that.
Consider investing in a foodsaver so that you can cook multiple portions of a meal at the same time, then freeze or refrigerate it for quick reheating. If you want to save even more time, then consider digging out your slow cooker, and letting it do the work for you.
[…] you can’t drop, you are too busy. If you look at your calendar and almost everyday is filled, take a look at your priorities. Because, if you or your family don’t have the time to look after your pet, how is it […]