You may be wondering how can litter be pretty? Well, PrettyLitter is a new kind of cat litter. Rather than being a clumping litter, it has highly absorbent crystals that absorb the moisture, trap the smell and eliminates the urine. Pretty, right? The only scooping you have to do for the month is any poo your kitty has.
Disclosure: This post, PrettyLitter Monitors Your Cat’s Health, is a sponsored post; however, all opinions are my own. All posts may contain affiliate links.
I’ve been using this litter for about two weeks and love it! I was skeptical because I’ve been using a clumping litter forever! I always figured the clumps were good because that meant I was scooping out the urine. Wrong. I was wasting litter, and it still smelled! Since PrettyLitter doesn’t clump, a bag lasts you an entire month. You’ll need one bag per cat or per litter box. If you order 3 bags a month, you’ll get one bag free!
When I got the bags, I was surprised at how light they were. I also couldn’t see how that small amount was going to be enough! But like I said, PrettyLitter absorbs the moisture and gets rid of the urine, so you aren’t wasting it by scooping it out every day. It does last and there is no odor. I’ve got a “foster” kitty in my room, and it doesn’t smell like cat at all. She is my nephew’s girlfriend’s parents’ cat. They had to move, and I’m keeping her possibly temporarily. I kept her separate from my other kitties for a couple of weeks until they got used to each other’s smells. They are fine now, but she still stays in my room at night rather than with the others. She’s a little hyper, and they need a break from her!
Health Monitoring
As if all of the features I’ve shared so far weren’t enough, PrettyLitter also monitors your cat’s health by changing colors. If their urine is light yellow or very light green, all is good. If it is blue, purple or dark green, you want to get your kitty to the vet for a check. Blue means urinary tract infection or kidney issues. Green means urinary crystals and blockage. Purple signifies blood which could mean an internal injury or poisoning.
Since cats can hide their illnesses so well, it is really helpful to have a litter that can give you a hint about what may be wrong with your kitty.
Cleaner and Safer Litter
Clumping litter uses a chemical agent to create the scoopable clump! I did not know that. When your cat licks their paws the chemical expands within your cat’s digestive tract. Not only is PrettyLitter safer for your cats, it is safer for the environment. PrettyLitter is much more eco friendly than normal litters since it is made from natural minerals, is chemical free, and is biodegradable.
I also love that it doesn’t get “clumped” to the litter boxes! Clumping litter can become like glue stuck to the sides of the boxes sometimes! It’s a pain to clean too. Using PrettyLitter makes it a lot easier to clean out the boxes. Just dump the litter like you would normally, and it slides right out rather than sticking to the sides and bottom.
Hassle Free Delivery
PrettyLitter will deliver the bags you need right to your door! You just let them know the number of cats you have, and you will get that number of bags delivered. Like I said, a bag will last an entire month, and you won’t have to worry about scooping anything but poo. On average, cat owners spend $22 a month on litter. The bags of litter you buy only lasts on average 2 weeks. PrettyLitter costs less than brand name litter because one bag lasts longer. Shipping is also free with PrettyLitter.
Do you have cats? What type of kitty litter are you using? I highly recommend that you try PrettyLitter to compare! You’ll love it.
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