Welcome To The Haunted House Of Halloween Hype
The kids are bouncing off the walls because, yep, you guessed it – it’s less than three weeks until Halloween. The idea of all that candy has already gotten them pumped up. Imagine what they are going to be like on the night! The Halloween hype is built up for weeks before the actual holiday, and it’s a good thing. It reminds us that we’ve got to get everything ready!
For parents, there is no childlike innocence for this holiday because we all know how hard it is to prepare. There’s the decorating and the costume prep and the constant worrying about their safety. It’s enough to make a mom a cynical old ghoul.
Kids get their triggers from their parents, which is why it’s essential we jump on the bandwagon. Below are a few tips which hopefully help you hype up All Hallows’ Eve.
Invest In Cable
How on earth does buying cable play into the Halloween hype? Well, the answer is old movies. There is nothing like the classic films to make you fall in love with the holiday all over again. Some will scare you, others will make you laugh, and there will be those which put a smile on your face. Either way, you’ll be glad you flicked through the package information and bought a month’s worth of cable. If that’s too expensive, there’s always Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and YouTube. Don’t forget to check out my post on the 31 Nights of Halloween on Freeform.

HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA – Dracula, who operates a high-end resort away from the human world, goes into overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for the count’s teenaged daughter. (Columbia Pictures Corporation)
Become A Decorated Vet
There’s no doubt you’ve seen your fair share of Halloween hype over the years when it comes to decorations. So, it kind of explains why you don’t go the extra mile. However, the kids are young and they see things differently, which is one reason to up your game. The second is the investment. As soon as you start to carve out Marvel-style pumpkins, the perfectionist in you won’t let you stop until it’s just right. The same goes for outfits and food. Going above and beyond the call of duty is bound to get you invested in the process. Has anyone seen my R2-D2 anywhere?
Do It As A Family
If there is one thing which will get a mom’s attention, is the thought of spending time together as a family. Okay, roaming around a haunted house full of demons isn’t quite what you had in mind, but you’ve got to take the victories where possible! In the same way as the last tip, helping your kids prepare their outfit and plan a route of attack is intoxicating. And, if they want you to come along, you won’t fail to have a fantastic time. All that’s left is to convince the hubby to stop being a Grinch. Wait, isn’t that for Christmas?
Have A Party
The kids are out and you’re in the house all alone. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, you can get all the other sad parents together for a party. Everything should be Halloween themed, from the punch to the food, and you can use the holiday as an excuse to let loose. After all, moms deserve some “me” time every now and again and All Hallows’ Eve is as good as any.
What’s it going to be – a trick or a treat?
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