O-HÂ I-O we shout it loud and proud from the Buckeye state, but this? I’m not quite sure if it makes me proud to be an Ohioan! I recently got an email from Satellite Internet entitled, “What Every State is Googling on Christmas.” Yeah,Ohio wants to know where to buy coal. I guess I could give these Google users the benefit of the doubt and figure they’re using coal for heat. But I feel bad for the kids getting coal in their stockings….

Photo courtesy of Satellite Internet
Where to buy coal in Ohio
Do you really wanna know where to buy coal? I can help you with that! When I saw this question, the first place I thought of was TSC, and sure enough, you can buy coal at Tractor Supply Company! They have everything. Okay, not everything but everything farm, ranch or rural residents need. When my daughter was younger, she needed ALL the horses. I shopped there to buy her Breyer horses.
Don’t have a Tractor Supply Company near you? Try Lowe’s. Doesn’t everyone have a Lowe’s near them? If Lowe’s doesn’t have it, here are some more places that meet the query “Where to Buy Coal.” Mind you, these are Ohio places because apparently Ohioans need to know where to buy coal on Christmas.
- Church Coal Firewood and Mulch in Akron
- Thompson Brothers Mining Co in New Springfield
- Millwood Inc. in Apple Creek
- Marietta Coal Co in St. Clairsville
- Waterloo Coal Sales in Dublin
- Ok Coal and Concrete in Zanesville
There you go. If you really need to know where to buy coal in Ohio, you’ve got some specific places to Google.
What is your state Googling on Christmas?

Photo courtesy of Satellite Internet
Some of these make a lot of sense. Like “Grocery Stores Open on Christmas” and wanting to know certain stores’ Christmas hours.
Then there are those like these:
- Texas wants to know if the Grinch is real. Did someone steal their decorations and presents?
- Wyoming. You’ve got issues. Do you REALLY want a Kardashian Christmas card? Are you that bored? I’ve got some chores you can do.
- West Virginia is asking if Santa Claus is real. Yes, (West) Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!
- Alaska and North Carolina must be hitting the sauce hard. They want to know what Christmas is…ummm.
- Speaking of hitting the sauce, I think family must getting on each others nerves in Colorado. They need to find liquor stores open near them.
So, there you have it. Your state’s biggest Google searches of last Christmas. Let’s do our states proud this year and Google really intelligent stuff like “A Quick Guide to Quantum Physics.”
Merry Christmas!
By the way, pretend coal makes a great gag or white elephant gift. Want to know where to buy coal for a gift? Check out these ideas!
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