The eyes are the window to the soul.
Though you may not want to have someone reading your deepest secrets in your eyes, there’s no denying that they are one of the most expressive assets in face-to-face interactions. Did you know that you could win an argument just with your eyes? They show your strength, your desires, your emotions, and more importantly, your connection to others.
That’s precisely why public speakers tend to make eye contact with some the attendees of the audience; they bridge the gap between the stage and the public. Your eyes act like a magnet by attracting attention and building your relationship with others.
It’s no surprise that the beauty industry encourages women to enhance their eyes; the more they stand out, the louder they can speak. And when words become powerless, your eyes can keep your audience engaged. Even when it comes to dating, eye contact creates a connection with your partner, which is critical to whether your date will ultimately turn out to be a success and lead to a second or third date. But, if you want to rely on them in your everyday interactions, you need to give your eyes all the attention and care they deserve!
Nobody like dark circles under their eyes
Dermatologists describe dark circles under your eyes as a case of periorbital hyperpigmentation – in other words, the darkening of the pigmentation in the area under your eyes. While dark rings can be the result of a genetic condition – some people have naturally darker skin under the eyes despite leading a healthy lifestyle –, more often than not, they appear when your body is sleep deprived.
Troubles falling asleep, or waking throughout the night are unfortunately very common. A diet that is high in sugar, for instance, can affect your sleep cycle. Additionally, a heavy meal before bed can make it more difficult for your body to rest. When your diet isn’t responsible for your sleeplessness, you might find that your mental health can keep you awake at night. High-stress levels or a depressed mood can both prevent a restorative rest.
Goodbye puffy eyes
Swollen eyelids can sometimes be linked to dark rings, as they can cast a shadow under your eyes. However, not everyone who struggles with puffy eyes experiences dark circles too. Puffy eyes are ultimately an inflammatory reaction, which can be linked to a variety of factors.
As the weather is getting warmer, it’s not uncommon for allergy-prone individuals to wake up with a runny nose and swollen eyes as a result of direct exposure to pollen or even freshly cut grass. Allergies can dramatically affect the appearance of your eyes, causing them to tear, or become red and itchy.
Swelling of the fragile skin around the eyes is the natural evolution in most allergic reactions. But you can address the issue with antihistamine medications to desensitize the area.
Another common cause of swollen eyes is the consumption of food that is high in salt. Undeniably, salt can lead to water retention, which can occur around your eyes as well and fingers. But you can help your body to process a salty food binge more easily. Drinking plenty of water is the best way of encouraging your system to handle any excess sodium.
Where did all the collagen go?
If your eyes are the window to the soul, the thin lines around the eyes are the testimonial that of an experienced soul.
However, even though they show the wisdom of your age, most people can’t stand their crow’s feet. Ultimately, the skin around your eyes is thin, and therefore more likely to lose its elasticity under pressure. If you tend to squint often – because you work in the sun or your glasses aren’t the right strength – you might find that lines are quick to appear.
You can help your skin retain its collagen with healthy food that supports skin health at a cellular level. Wild salmon contains zinc, which activates the collagen synthesis, for instance. Leafy greens can also help to prevent collagen breakdown. Additionally, you can also choose targeted Botox crow’s feet injections to visibly and immediately improve your look. However, localized injections don’t work with deep wrinkles, so make sure you stay on top of your skin health too! Check with your doctor about side effects to see if it’s right for you.
Chill out with the makeup
If you want to help your eyes to stand out, you can rely on the magic of makeup. However, there are some mistakes that can age you. Flat eyelashes can make your eyes look tired. You can use an eyelash curler to open your eyes and appear more energetic. Additionally, while eye shadow can add a glamorous touch, you need to be careful about not overdoing it. Too much eye shadow will make your eyelid appear heavy, making you look exhausted!
Your eyes bring you closer to other people. The most important thing you can do is to look after them as carefully as you can. Healthy-looking eyes is something we all want!
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