Having no insurance can mean having to dig into your own pockets for medical treatment. Fortunately, there are other options beyond insurance that can help to make healthcare more affordable. Here are just a few options to consider.
Open an HSA
Setting up a health savings account (HSA) could be an alternative option to insurance. These accounts allow you to contribute tax-free money directly from your income. These funds can then be used to cover the cost of treatment (some over the counter drugs and even glasses may be available to buy with a HSA too). Some people use this savings account in conjunction with insurance to pay off a high deductible.
Look into primary care membership plans
A primary care membership plan involves paying a clinic a monthly subscription fee in exchange for treatment. It can be cheaper than insurance, however you are limited to only one clinic. Do your research to find the best primary care membership plan in your area.
Know your legal rights
There could be times when you’re legally entitled to paid treatment provided by the government such as if you’re a single mother or over the age of 65. In the event of an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may also be able to seek compensation, which could help cover medical treatment. When choosing a lawyer, do your research so that your pick not just any law firm. This will improve your chance of success.
Take out a medical loan
Taking out a loan to pay for medical treatment isn’t ideal, but if you don’t have time to look into other options it could be worth looking into. There are lenders out there that offer specialist loans for medical purposes. These tend to have low or even no interest rates, making them a much better choice than traditional loans.
Travel for treatment
There’s a growing trend in people travelling to find cheaper treatment. It’s possible that travel could be cheaper in another state. You could even consider getting treatment abroad in another country – even with the added cost of flights it can sometimes work out cheaper overall. Turn your surgery into a vacation and save money while you’re doing it.
Get help from a health advocate
Health advocates can sometimes be used to negotiate cheaper treatment – especially if you’re on a low income and uninsured. They will charge a fee, but in many cases you could still save money overall. It’s worth comparing various health advocacy services to find the best one for you.
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