Welcome to the Prism Books Tour for The Melody of the Mulberries (Big Creek Series, #2) by Tonya Jewel Blessing. Stop by each blog for excerpts and reviews from the book!
This sequel to The Whispering of the Willows is set in the late 1920s’ Appalachia, where granny witches and spiritualism often show the path for wanderers to take, especially in matters of the heart.
On Tour with Prism Book Tours
The Melody of the Mulberries follows the lives and loves of two siblings. Coral determines to visit the family’s nemesis, Charlie, now in prison for the rape of her sister, Emerald, and the murder of her in-law. When Mercy re-enters brother Ernest’s life, he has already found a new attraction in his elder brother’s widow.

Book Cover Design by Chloe Belle Arts for The Melody of the Mulberries Tonya Jewel Blessing
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The Melody of the Mulberries
(Big Creek Series, #2)
By Tonya Jewel Blessing
Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 248 Pages
September 1, 2019 by Capture Books
Coral sat in contemplation under a mulberry tree. It was spring, and the fragrant female blossoms promised the mid-summer arrival of first white, then pink, then crimson, and finally deep purple berries. The white berries were hard and tart and enjoyed by the quail, wild turkeys, mocking birds, and blue jays. The blackish purple berries were soft and sweet – perfect for pies and jams.
When the berries turned white, Coral would thank the good Lord for providing food for the birds. When the berries ripened she would thank the good Lord for the sweetness savored in her mouth and curse the birds for wanting more than their share.
Where Emerald Ashby’s story leaves us in the last pages of The Whispering of the Willows, sixteen-year-old Coral Ashby’s story begins. Like the changing mulberries, Appalachian siblings Coral and Ernest Ashby, navigate life through the late 1920s. Coral is determined to visit the family nemesis, Charlie, who now stews in prison.
When Ernest’s previous love interest, Mercy, returns to the holler of Big Creek, she discovers that his heart is now singing a melody for Charlotte, the older Ashby brother’s widow. But Mercy has brought along her own spiritual tools and a special friend who guides her way.
Accompanied by friends and foes, matters of the heart complicate life for Coral and Ernest. Relationships must be journeyed carefully.
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The Melody of the Mulberries Excerpt
He heard rustling in the school yard and spotted, next to the log where he and Rudy had sat earlier, a black bear and her two cubs. The female was larger than most. Ernest, trying to stay still and assess the situation, estimated her weight to be 300 pounds or more. She was blue black. The cubs, which were busy wrestling, were cinnamon colored.
Ernest grew concerned when the mama put her nose in the air and began to sniff loudly. The bear then slapped the ground with her large clawed paw and started to shake her head. In general, black bears were usually shy. Mostly when seeing a human, they grunted and bluffed aggression, but with cubs close-by Ernest was troubled. He knew not to run and to remain submissive in his posture.
His heart seemed to quit beating when he heard Lottie approaching. She had entered the back door of the schoolhouse. He could hear her brisk steps on the worn wooden floor. The mama bear began a slow approach and started to growl. He yelled a warning to Lottie, but within seconds the front door opened to the porch where he was standing. She had her bow and arrow in hand and was preparing to shoot.
“Where do I aim?”
“Upper chest, but wait,” Ernest cautioned. “She’s movin’ slow. I think she’s bluffing.”
True to his words, the bear turned tail and headed back to her cubs. Eruptive gas escaped from her backside which signaled her cubs that it was time to move on.
When the odor reached Charlotte, she began to gag. “What is that?”
Ernest couldn’t help but laugh. “Bear fog.”
When Charlotte joined in his laughter, it seemed natural and right to place his arm around her. She lowered her bow and snuggled next to him.
Other Books in the Series
The Whispering of the Willows
(Big Creek Series, #1)
By Tonya Jewel Blessing
Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 396 Pages
February 2, 2016 by Capture Books
Young Emie isn’t desperate for a man, but she is surrounded by a variety of them in the Appalachian holler of Big Creek. How does a young girl find her way, and grow strong, when life begins to spin out of control?
A 1920s’ saga of Emerald Ashby coming of age.
Set against the superstitions and old time religion in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, author Tonya Jewel Blessing tells a difficult, yet redemptive story of a blossoming young woman who is accompanied by her friends and her foes on a journey towards hope and healing. Love weaves through gut-wrenching circumstances and dismal poverty where Emerald Ashby grows strong despite grievous wrongs committed against her. In this desperate historical setting, mysterious disappearances lead to traps set for the innocent.
Now, when key individuals begin carving out a rescue plan, Emerald Ashby sets a few of her own traps. It’s a page turner. In this ailing town. What will be their measure of success?
Cleverly suspenseful and sweetly spoken, the storyteller’s unassuming voice transforms an Appalachian trail of tears into holy terror against an evil that stalks the innocent. In The Whispering of the Willows, an Appalachian marriage practice might be compared to the modern sex trade which exploits young females.
Not since Catherine Marshall’s strong heroine named Christy, has an Appalachian drama come to life like The Whispering of the Willows.
Includes: Bibliography and Book Club Questions. A novel for women examining the Old Time Religion. Coming of age in the Southern Appalachians. If you love a story where the underdog surfaces and thrives, you’ll love this story.
Praise for The Whispering of the Willows
Best book I have read in a while. Didn’t want it to end. Great and different story line. – Christine
This is a fantastic book that had me examining my own personal spiritual journey. Kudos to the author for writing such a heartfelt, inspiring work. – Verified Amazon Reader
I absolutely loved the characters and the story. Their faith in God helped them through the trials they faced. The story is engrossing and very believable. Hope this book is a winner for the author. – Verified Purchaser
“The story is emotionally gripping and pulls the reader along to see what will happen next. The best stories grab our emotions and don’t let go.” – Judge’s Commentary from 24th Annual Writer’s Digest Book Awards
The Whispering of the Willows is an inspiring story full of twists and turns, freedom and redemption, the expected and unexpected. This book brings to light the struggles of young woman past and present. God’s goodness and provision flow from each page. – Linda Bottoms, Rocky Mountain Ministry Network Women’s Ministries Director
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About the Author of The Melody of the Mulberries
Tonya Jewel Blessing
National/International Speaker, Published Author, Co-Founder/Director Strong Cross Ministries
Tonya grew up in rural Ohio. She currently lives in South Africa with her husband of 35 years. Tonya decided to trust Jesus for the destination of her young soul at the age of four. As a young adult, she worked for a well known television evangelist, and traveled with a Christian drama group throughout the Midwest.
Tonya attended Arapahoe Community College and Akron University, and has enjoyed a trusted position in formal and informal ministry settings and training opportunities. Tonya also worked as a children’s pastor, youth pastor, and women’s pastor. She served on staff at Praise Church in Littleton, Colorado for a number of years, and also worked as the Director of Women’s Ministries for Journey Church in Strasburg, Colorado. She has served on a number of ministry boards that support concerns for women.
Tonya and her husband operated Strong Cross Ranch Colorado for over eleven years, a place of respite for missionaries and ministers. They had the honor of hosting over 2,000 guests during that time frame. The Blessings relocated their ministry to South Africa in June of 2012. The ministry continues to serve and partner with local pastors and missionaries through a variety of creative and responsible means. The Blessings oversee building projects, feeding programs, educational services, interventions, and church planting.
Tonya is a well-known national and international speaker, often serving women in areas of the world which cannot be publicized. She writes articles and devotionals for missions’ magazines and women’s groups and is also a published author. She is the author of two historical fiction books The Whispering of the Willows and The Melody of the Mulberries. Both novels are set in Big Creek, West Virginia, during the late 1920’s. Tonya has also co-authored a devotional called Soothing Rain – Living Water to Refresh Your Soul. All three of Tonya’s books have received literary awards.
Tonya enjoys speaking and sharing her life with women at retreats and events. She thinks that women are amazing, and appreciates that the female gender is multifaceted yet fragile creations of God. In her personal life and as a speaker, Tonya believes that God’s Word is powerful, and needs to be read and written on her heart and on the hearts of women everywhere.
For additional information, please review her author and ministry webpage: www.TonyaJewelBlessing.com
She was ordained in 2011 and is currently pursuing further pastoral and biblical studies. For additional information regarding Strong Cross Ministries South Africa, please visit the ministry web page – www.strongcrossministries.org
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Tour Schedule
Enter the Tour Giveaway for The Melody of the Mulberries ENDED
One winner will receive a $30 Amazon Gift Card
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Ends July 1, 2020
I haven’t read anything like this before. Sounds adventurous
I have not read any of these before but they do sound really interesting
This sounds like a great story. I’m pretty partial to historical romance stories.
This sounds like a great book that I’d like to read.
The most memorable book I’ve read set in Appalachia is Christy.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I read The Glass Castle which is set in Appalachia. I love books about siblings so I am interested in reading this!
Sounds great! I like reading Historical Romance.
I love the excerpt and book cover too – it looks like one I’d definitely want to read. Sounds like a very romantic version of Appalachia
I don’t know if I have read any books set in Appalachia but this book sounds interesting! Thanks for the giveaway!
The excerpt sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.
The cover is beautiful, thanks for sharing.
Looks really good!
This sounds like a riveting read. I haven’t read any books based in the Appalachia area before.
Looks like interesting books.
Thanks for the contest.
This sounds like a really interesting book! I enjoyed reading the excerpt. I would love to read both of the books in this series.
A member of the Poetry Workshop that I belong to wrote several books about Appalachia. Marilyn Thornton Schraff wrote Moonshine: Illicit Spirits in Appalachian Hills of Rural Southern Ohio. She also wrote Appalachian Cjiildhood which is a memoir. I enjoy reading about Appalachian traditions and culture.
Looks very interesting and wholesome. We need more authors like you.
I have not read stories set in the Appalachia. This one sounds really good!
I love the title as it slides right off your tongue.
My daughter would enjoy this book
I’ve never read a book in this setting before. Historical romance is an awesome genre! I think I would enjoy learning about Appalachia
I think the book sounds great and I would love to read it. I haven’t read stories set in the Appalachia.
Sounds really good! Thanks for sharing!
It looks like a good read.
im in love with the cover. a job well done. the book looks AMAZING. unfortantly i have never read any other stories set in the Appalachia
I haven’t read any books set in Appalachia as of yet. I would like to read this book. Sounds like an intriguing read!
The book great. I read Christy set in Applachia back in high school. I forget the author’s name.
I’ve read it too! It’s by Catherine Marshall. I enjoyed watching the TV series too.
I think the book looks very interesting. I haven’t read any other stories set in the Appalachia.
This sounds like a great book. I love reading about the 20’s and especially about Applachia.