How did my baby go from this tiny little sleeping angel to a college graduate so quickly? When we become new parents, everyone tells us how quickly time will pass. Then our babies cry and keep us up all night, and we think these people must be nuts. Those sleepless nights make us believe that we will NEVER get a full night’s sleep again and these baby days will surely last forever. Then we blink. And this happens.
That tiny little baby that kept us up all night with their crying graduates from college. This happened to my baby Sunday May 17, 2015. My daughter Molly graduated from Stark State College with an Associates Degree in English Composition. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA. Her gold sash indicates her membership in the Honor Society Phi Theta Kappa which is the honor society for community colleges around the world. The medal (hidden by her diploma) indicates that she is one of only two students in her college for 2015 chosen to be on the All-Ohio Academic Team. She received a $500 scholarship from Honda for her continuing education. In August, she will continue her education to get her BA in Secondary Education Integrated Language Arts. Yes, I am a proud mom!
I’m sure her dad in heaven is proud of her too. We were certainly both very proud of her when she graduated from high school. It is very hard thinking of all of the things he won’t see, but life is full of the unexpected. Cherish each moment with your loved ones.
Molly is such a dedicated student, and her hard work paid off! Her professors enjoyed having her in their classrooms. She would go “bother” her favorite professor daily! This professor would bring Molly tea when Molly was working at her job at the college writing center. Molly would take this professor treats that she baked at home. Here is the picture they got together at the Stark State College graduation ceremony.
The graduation ceremony was very nice. The Ohio Speaker of the House was the speaker, and he was very encouraging. I am sure that all of the students were super excited to be either done with their school years, or at least done with the beginning of their higher education. Stark State College, being a community college, is an excellent place for students to start. It is so much more economical to start at a community college! High school students don’t realize that college can be SO expensive! I’m glad my daughter chose wisely. She is coming out of these two years completely debt free.
I am so proud of both of my kids! They are kind and smart and not rebellious. I love being around them! They are such a blessing to me. Here they are in my parents’ backyard.
And speaking of my parents, here they are with Molly! They are very proud of her too!
Remember to make the most of each moment with your family and friends. These moments pass so quickly. Congratulations, Molly and all of the 2015 graduates of Stark State College!
I love this whole post! Huge congrats to your daughter on her awesome accomplishment, and all of the great accolades she got for being so dedicated to doing a great job. 🙂
Thank you <3 She sure deserves it!
Molly is a beautiful and smart girl! Reminds me of her momma growing up! Kevin is looking down and smiling proudly of not just Molly and her accomplishments, but Kyle and you as well! I love you all!
Thank you <3 I am so proud of her!
Congrats, Molly! That is quite an amazing accomplishment. It’s crazy how fast they grow up, isn’t it? Best of luck to her on her new chapter in life.
Congratulations to your baby! I am sure you were so proud of her! She’s a smart young lady and I hope she succeeds in life with whatever she wants to do! ❤️
You are so right – they grow up far too fast – and make us so proud too! Congratulations to your family and good luck with Molly’s next steps in life!
They grow up so fast don’t they? I just had my oneGranddaughter graduate college and next year the second one will. Time Flies!!
Congrats mom and Molly! Such an accomplishment for both. I have a long way to go before I see my kids graduate but I wish your daughter much success on her future endeavors! Hope she continues the good work!
Molly is exceptional, and I hope this is only the first of four trips she makes across college/university stages:)
Thank you! She talked about you and your class a lot!
It’s true that time passes by so quickly! I know that you’re a proud mother, though. Kudos to Molly! 🙂
Congrats to both of you! It looks like you have some great kids. Way to go mom! This was a very inspiring story. I have 2 young kids and hope to celebrate graduation with them someday!
Congratulations to Molly & to you xx. Truly a great honour to be the parent of such a daughter and son. Molly does remind me very much of you when we graduated and then at Malone. 🙂 Give her a big hug for me and tell her that a coconut & tanning lotion ‘scented’ basket is being made for her as a graduation gift <3
Much love and hope to see you very soon!
What a beautiful and lovely post, Christy. A really nice reminder to cherish our precious family moments. Congrats to Molly for her amazing accomplishments!
Oh, and I love the new look on your blog!
Thank you! I finally figured more stuff out lol.
That is so sweet! I love the pictures of your daughter as a baby and as a graduate.
How exciting! Many congrats to Molly! It’s crazy seeing pics of them as babies then graduating! Time really does fly!
Congratulations to you and your daughter! Graduation is such a crazy roller coaster of excitement and sadness and I know I’ll never forget graduating from University two years ago. Your post really puts into perspective what my parents and grandparents must have felt to see me walk across the stage! Good luck to Molly in all her future goals 🙂
They do grow up so fast! I see why you’re so proud of Molly! She seems to have her stuff together. Congrats to her on all her honors and achievements.
What a beautiful post, it’s so emotional when they graduate! It is such an important day in their lives.
That is an incredible milestone. Congratulations! The photo with her and her grandparents is so cute!
Congrats Molly! What a great accomplishment! What a smart and beautiful daughter you have-I’m sure she will go on to do great things!
Congratulations to her! I know I couldn’t believe that my daughter just turned 18! I remember those late nights of crying and diaper changes like it was yesterday!
Congrats to your daughter on her graduation and to you on your wonderful children. I have a niece named Molly. Can’t believe she already 15! You are so right about appreciating the time while you have it.
Oh how exciting for her. Congratulations to all of you! My daughter is 9 and I cannot even begin to think about her graduating. lol
Congratulations young lady! You have the whole world waiting for you. What an exciting thing to be young and cherish it!
The time really does fly and you blink and they are all grown up. It’s so bittersweet to me. Congratulations to your graduate and you on a job well done!
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing you wonderful story with us! 🙂
I am already in awe at how quickly my little nephews are growing up. Seems like last year I was rocking the little one to sleep, meeting him for the first time. But he’s going to be 8 soon. Gah!
Congrats mama! I can’t even imagine what this must feel like for you. My oldest is in 6th grade and I can’t even believe we’ve made it this far so quickly. Great job to both mom and daughter!
Ah! Congratulations on having a college graduate! She sounds like a spectacular student and definitely will go far in life. I’m sorry about your loss though. I’m sure this has been a bit bittersweet.
Congrats to her and you as well. It must be such a wonderful feeling for you.
This is such a great post. It is true, kids grow up way too fast.
Congrats Molly! Best of luck and what a wonderful story!
Congratulations to Molly, and to you – I know you must be so proud! It really is crazy how fast time goes when it comes to kids. Ours are still young and I try to remind myself often to appreaciate these days!
Congrats to your daughter, graduating college is quite an accomplishment!! It looks like an amazing graduation ceremony as well.
Awwww congratulations you’re definitely one proud mummy. It’s good to know she came out debt free and will be continuing with her education.
They grow up so fast. She’s quite an achiever and congrats to her. That also means you’ve brought her up well.
Wow congrats. It is great to hear that she worked so hard at school. It is amazing that these little tiny babies turn into these great adults in a blink of an eye.
Congratulations Molly! They really do grow up fast. My son’s about to hit junior high and I’m amazed at how the last decade has just flown by.
Aww, this reminds me of my college graduation. 🙂 Congratulations to Molly! I would be very proud too if she was my daughter. You are truly blessed!
Congrats to your daughter! It’s so true that time really does go by quick!
Congrats Molly on your graduating from college. It truly is like blinking and they grow up. My baby boy is graduating for High School June 5th (sniffling). Every moment with your children should truly be savored. Thanks for sharing.
They way your kids are reflects how you raised them so kusod to you for rasing them well. Congratulations to your daughter!
Awww what a cute post. A big congrats to your daughter and to you as a mommy. =)
Graduation is such a fun time of year! I love all the ceremonies and celebrations!
Awwwww congratulations Molly!! Such an awesome accomplishment!! I feel
Like I just graduated college yesterday and here I am now with a 3 year old! Crazy how time flies!
My kids are still quite young (2 & 4 years old) so I can’t even imagine them this big! I also can’t imagine the emotions that you must going through..such a proud moment!
aww, congrats to your ‘baby!’ Looking at my babies, I know it will be a blink before I’m looking back myself! Thanks for sharing this and congrats again! You must be so so so proud of your beautiful daughter!
Awe! Congrats! What a sweet post you wrote, I bet it made her feel very special. Thanks for writing this!
I shed some tears reading it: our babies grow up quickly. Congrats on this accomplishment. you must be a proud mama
Congratulations Molly!
Every time I talk to your Mother or read a post about you I am inspired to raise my kids on their own terms. That growing up educated is so much more about life than what is displayed in books and taught in school. You’re a perfect example of that.
I look forward to hearing about your achievements in all aspects of your life.
Besos Sarah.
How amazing, huge congratulations to your daughter on her graduation. You must be such a proud mother, I hope I can have a moment like this with my son when he’s older 🙂
Yup, it’s crazy how it sneaks up on you. My oldest has been in the air force now for as long as I was in the Army and is just getting started it seems.
Congratulations to your daughter! Will she be living on campus? I found that I learned more from living on my own, than I did in the classroom (don’t tell my parents, haha)! I’m sorry that her dad was not there, physically. Milestones are incredibly hard when we are missing loved ones!
Thank you, Tiffany! No, we are close so she will be commuting. It’s cheaper that way! Maybe when she goes for her master’s she will live on her own 🙂 If they pay for her to get it that is lol!