10 Super Hero Foods to Give Your Kids
Food is the fuel we run on but food also gives our body important information – did you know that?
Let me explain. We are composed of trillions of cells which contain a blueprint and our cells make us who we are depending on this blueprint.
The great news is that we have been given the power to control our cells and their blueprint because we have been given the free will to make choices which either foster good health or deter it. In other words, we have the ability to operate the ON/OFF control-switch which tells the good genes to turn on and the bad ones to turn off.
Yay! We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates, able to create lives overflowing with health and happiness, as Bruce Lipton Ph. D., scientifically explains in his book, The Biology of Belief.
How exciting is that? When we know better, we can do better!
It’s actually quite easy to give our cells spectacular data in order to build a healthy immune system; we can eat, The Super Hero Foods!
Why these foods?
Let’s visit 10 of these Super Hero Foods and see what information they have to “turn on” our good genes.
1. Blueberries: are loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids which help prevent cellular damage. Kids love their round shape and yummy sweet taste.
- Nut Butters: not the hydrogenated or sugars added kind. Most nuts are high in vitamin E and magnesium, which helps keep our cardiovascular system working well. Nuts also have healthy fats and antioxidants. Toast with nut butter and sliced bananas, anyone?
- Beans & legumes: have high fiber which helps balance blood sugar by slowly releasing glucose for energy. This makes for better moods too – less mood swings, yeah! Hummus and crackers are loved by kids. Who doesn’t love to dip stuff, right?
- Quinoa: is high in all 9 essential amino acids, which makes it a whole protein. Quinoa also has a lot of calcium. These little balls of energy are fun to chew. Use them in place of rice cereal, pudding, a stir fry and soups.
- Sweet Potato: their pretty color gives us tons of phytochemicals responsible for fighting disease. Sweet potato fries? Yes, please!
- Leafy Greens: are usually the hardest food to get kids to eat. It’s hard to find a child who loves spinach, for example. Yet, it’s an excellent source of iron, calcium, vitamins A and C and folic acid, which are all great for bones and brains. Solution? Check out the recipe for the “Little Green Dragon Drink” in the book “The Yummy Adventures of Celia and Cedric: Little Green Dragon”to easily get your kids going green!
- Yogurt: is a source of protein and calcium. It also has good bacteria to promote Immune System Function and healthy digestion. Get plain yogurt and add your own fruit and sweetener. Try blending yogurt and frozen fruit for a treat!
- Avocado: contain good fats for proper growth, fiber to help prevent constipation and 60% more potassium than bananas. Try guacamole with veggie and cracker dippers, as well as Avocado Chocolate Pudding: Simply blend soft avocado with some milk of your choice and add a bit of sweetener. Voila! Instant, nutritious Chocolate Pudding! Even picky eaters will gobble this!
- Chia: a little ball of energy packed with complete protein, loads of fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium and good fats, particularly, omega 3. Just 1 Tbsp. (15ml) has more calcium than a glass of milk! It also contains boron for strong bones and helps balance blood sugar for good moods. Now what parent doesn’t want that?
- Strawberries: Buy organic because they are high on the list for pesticide use. Strawberries are one of the top antioxidant berries and are high in iron. Kids love them because they are sweet and easy to eat. For a fun family treat, melt a 70 – 85% dark chocolate bar and then dip your berries into it, fondue style. Mmmm….good!
Look for these Super Hero Foods in The Yummy Adventures of Celia and Cedric: A Read & Bake Series. You and your kids will enjoy reading unique, adventurous stories and making healthy snacks!
A special thanks to author Laara Exsnar for this guest post.
Yay, I am doing something right. Although blueberries would probably rank the highest on my kids favorite thing on that list, but they are eating most of those things regularly 🙂
“We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates…” Absolutely love this! It is so incredibly true. This list is awesome and I will definitely be using it as a resource. Thank you!
Spinach is all about training. Start them eating it young and don’t let their little snot nosed friends tell them that it bad for them.
I was against the avocado thing myself for a while until I had it in a salad a few months ago…now I am hooked. Getting the kids hooked…well that’s a different story. My kids do love strawberries so I am going to slowly introduce other things.
I’ve just recently come to love the sweet potato. Things that are good for you and taste good too are rocking awesome.
I just gave my daughter blueberries the other day! Glad it’s at the top of the list. I need to do more yogurt and chia seeds
You’ve listed a few of our favourites, but I’m still working on the others, ha ha! With picky eaters, I like to make sure that the food they do eat is great for them, full of the good stuff that they really need!
I wish I had discovered quinoa 15 years earlier. I would have been using that in the family recipes like chili.
This is a great list. I’m glad my son loves to eat most of these foods so I know he’s getting some good vitamins and minerals from the foods.
It’s an important role of parents to introduce healthy food to kids. To appreciate these food, kids should be informed about the healthy benefits of each as well.
Of this list, I honestly only eat strawberries however how can I expect my child to eat things to be healthy, when I don’t? I need to definitely find ways to explore these foods so I too, can be a healthy role model for my future children.
Berries can really be great addition to kids diet. It’s sweet, a bit sour and something they would really love.
Great list of good things! Glad I read this — I forget about how good some of these things are.
Such a lovely guest post, I am loving all these super foods since I am eating some of them already. It’s good to know we are masters of our own faith even with genes.
Hehehe I am super food obsessed!!! I try and make sure my daughter has at least one every day!
Now this is a great list of superfoods. My kids love blueberries but they are not fan of Quiona. I have to try it again
Except for #3 and #9, we eat almost all of these vegetables each and every day. And, instead of chia, I eat flax seed for extra fibre.
My kids will be going to school in September and they can’t have peanut butter (my son eats at least one sandwich a day, usually two) so I’m going to try sunflower seed butter!
Happy to know that all the foods we love are also the best ones for us too!
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
Thank you for highlighting this today! There are so many healthy and delicious foods, if only marketing towards children via television and on store shelves was a lot less
It is a shame that my son doesn’t like a lot of these foods. He does like yogurt, though!