Flossy is the bossiest girl around. She’s bossy at home and she’s bossy in school. She’s bossy to her friends and she’s bossy to her cat. Sometimes she’s even bossy to her teacher! Flossy doesn’t understand why no one will listen to her. One day, Flossy meets Edward, a boy who may be just as bossy as she is. Has Flossy finally met her match?
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My Review of Bossy Flossy
I’ll bet we all have a Bossy Flossy that we know! Flossy is someone who loves to be in charge. If things aren’t done her way, then she is not having it! She’s bossy everywhere! But does she think she’s hurting anyone? Nope! When a new boy arrives at school who is just as bossy as Flossy, she gets a dose of her own medicine! Edward is just as bossy as she is! Maybe this is just what Flossy needs.
Bossy Flossy is an adorable book that your little ones will be sure to love. The illustrations make this book even more delightful. I highly recommend Bossy Flossy to all.
Guest Post
Five things I Do When I Have Writer’s Block
by Paulette Bogan
I am an illustrator and a writer. I love the work that I do! But sometimes it can be very frustrating. Sometimes my brain just feels empty. I feel like I will never have another good idea. So I…
- Clean closets.
- Take naps.
- Cry
- Talk to myself… a lot!
- Read
These are the five things I typically do when I am out of creative ideas, my story isn’t working, or everything I draw looks like a potato with eyes. But that’s not exactly the order I do them in.
Number One:
CRY. For me crying is not a sign of weakness. It’s an expression of my feelings when no words will do. A mini temper tantrum is a great release. Writing and drawing is very personal to me. It’s a part of who I am. When it’s not working… I cry. I feel a little better right afterwards.
Number Two:
NAP. A nap is a wonderful thing. We take naps as children but as adults naps are often seen as laziness, a waste of time, or we feel we are too busy. Many times in my life I’ve woken from a nap and my terrible ideas or my yucky drawings suddenly aren’t so bad. Maybe something can be salvaged, reworded or reworked. I often see things in a new light or I’m just energized to try again.
Number Three:
CLEAN. When I’m on a creative streak my house suffers. I’m too busy to clean! Creative block? Those closets are attacked and socks are sorted. Do I like to clean? Not really. But those mindless tasks give my brain a break. I feel like I’ve accomplished something. Not to mention the fact that my family is happy. Meanwhile those characters, the middle of the story that’s missing, that perfect ending are all churning around in my brain getting sorted (like socks!).
I’m not saying all of my problems are solved after the hall closet is perfect, but I almost always go back to drawing or writing with a fresh eye and often a new idea. Or maybe I’m just so happy to be drawing instead of cleaning…
Number Four:
TALK TO MYSELF… OUT LOUD. Okay, so I do this all the time, not just when I’m creatively blocked. I just need to talk things out. It helps me see things more clearly, solve problems, come up with ideas. Hearing it out loud helps! Talking it through with myself makes me feel like… like I’m the boss of me!
Number Five:
READ. I love to read. Reading really is the answer to everything for me. I read to learn, relearn, entertain myself, and often to just lose myself in a good book. When I come back I’m encouraged, I’m creatively enhanced, I’m energized. And if I’m not? Great time for a nap.
To find out more about Paulette Bogan, download cool activities and to check out new books go to www.paulettebogan.com
About the Author
Paulette Bogan admits she was bossy as a child. She is the author and illustrator of Virgil & Owen, which was chosen as one of Bank Street Best Children’s books of the Year 2016, Virgil & Owen Stick Together, which won a Mom’s Choice Award Gold Medal for Picture Books, and Lulu The Big Little Chick, which won a Children’s Choice Book Award. She lives in New York City with her husband, three daughters, and two dogs. They ALL think she is STILL bossy. But they’ve never told her to go to her room!
Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook
I would love to win this book because my nephew is struggling with bossiness lately. I think this would be a great book for his mom and dad to read him at bedtime.
I think my granddaughters would love to have these books. They will probably see each other in them.
Christy, sounds like you know a bossy Flossy! Thanks for the great review.
Oh, definitely!
I would love to win this book because my grandkids love to read and I think they would love this book
Every time I give a gift to a child I include a book.
Hi Christy, Sorry it took me so long to visit your blog. But, I made it! I’ll be visiting more often now that I have you on my blogroll. =) This is a wonderful post. It’s great to see book giveaways for young readers. Thank you for the giveaway.
~Lonna @ FLYLēF Reviews
Thank you for visiting 🙂 I do love books for all ages!
I love winning books and sharing them with my family and friends!
I think that my niece and nephew would really enjoy having these books read to them. They’re so cute!
I love to read books to my grandchildren-Bossy Flossy sounds like it might be my favorite-meeting a boy who is also bossy!
I think this book was written about me 😉
I took a screen shot of the clothes drawer. Any idea what she used as a “separator”?
Besos Sarah.
I’m not sure! Maybe she’ll stop by again and answer you 🙂
I want to win this book for my granddaughter. She loves to read.
I want to win the book for my kids
My granddaughter would love to read this book. We’d have a great time reading it together too.
I’d like to win for all my kids to read. One of the oldest girls of mine is a Bossy Flossy. Maybe she will learn a little from it as well as the younger ones. Plus, I encourage them to read and like when they do and their school requires them to read as well.
wanna win for my niece!