We all assume that our hearing will deteriorate with age. We see older people with hearing aids and believe that it’s just a natural part of aging. But it doesn’t have to be. Take the time to improve and look after your hearing now, and it could function well for a lot longer than you might expect. Here are five of the things that you can do to improve your hearing.
Protect your hearing
If you work in a loud environment, you might be causing damage to your ears without even realizing it. Spending prolonged periods around loud, sharp, or constant noise can damage your eardrums, and cause premature deterioration of hearing. Learn more about how to protect your hearing and take the appropriate steps now.
Challenge your hearing
Your ears need a workout. You might think that you are using them all of the time, but do you ever really test them? Or do you just take them for granted? Do you actively listen for things? Or do you just hear what you need to?
Challenge your hearing. Push it to see if it can give you more. Instead of just listening to what you need to hear, see if you can hear more. Sit still, take a deep breath, and listen. Try to pick out different sounds and voices. Do this in busy city locations and also out in the country, where the sounds around you will be completely different. Do it often to improve your hearing.
Rest your hearing
Like every other part of your body and mind, to work at their best, sometimes your ears need a break. You might notice that you get an earache, or your hearing is impaired after a long time in a very loud environment, or that you struggle to hear as well if you haven’t had enough sleep.
Getting plenty of sleep every night will help improve your hearing. Furthermore, it is a good idea to spend a little time each day somewhere quiet, either meditating or resting in silence to give your ears a good rest.
Exercise can improve your hearing
Exercise is excellent for your body. It boosts your circulation, improves your mental health, and helps your brain to regulate chemical levels. All of these things are good for your senses. If you are looking for something more specific, there are some yoga poses that are particularly good for your hearing, improving circulation in your ears and brain, and helping to treat conditions like tinnitus.
Give your brain a workout
Your brain controls all of your senses, functions, and movements. But, the link to your hearing is thought to be significant. Research has shown that there are links between hearing loss and conditions like anxiety and depression. You could argue that hearing loss is a cause of anxiety, and not the other way around, but it’s hard to know for sure, and it’s impossible to ignore the fact that we need our brains to process the sounds that we hear.
So, if you want to improve your hearing, and keep it strong in the long-term, you need to give your brain a workout. Do puzzles, read, have engaging conversations, learn new skills and languages, and visit new places.
Doing all of these things will help to improve your hearing.
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