Nowadays, there are so many appetite suppressant products, like pills, that promise amazing results. This makes it difficult to choose the right one. Also, since we live in an age where appearances matter the most, many people tend to use such products to lose weight or become thinner. But, that’s very unhealthy in the long run, so if you’re looking to suppress your appetite, it’s much better to do it with food that will actually provide you some nourishment. Therefore, here are some super healthy ways that will help you do that.
Drink water, especially before meals
Some studies have found that drinking one glass before a meal can suppress appetite. This mainly reflects feeling more full and less hungry after a meal. If drinking water is not convenient for you, then eating soup as a starter can help you feel more satisfied after eating. However, if you’re drinking a glass of liquid before the main course, it’s important to drink water and stay away from juices and other sugary drinks.
A bit of dark chocolate goes a long way
Dark chocolate is an amazing way to suppress your appetite and satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time. If you eat a bit of dark chocolate before a meal, chances are you’ll eat less. Just remember to eat dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate, since the latter is known to be unhealthy and full of artificial ingredients.
Consider exercising before eating
Maybe working out is not your ideal way to get ready for a meal, but according to research, exercising tends to suppress the appetite hormone, also known as ghrelin. This is especially true when it comes to high-intensity workouts as they’re more demanding and vigorous. Also, exercise can increase the levels of PPY and GLP-1, hormones that are responsible for making you feel full.
Apple cider vinegar can help too
Apple cider vinegar has numerous benefits, one of them being reducing appetite and lowering weight. Aside from that, opting for an apple cider vinegar nutrition can also lower the levels of cholesterol and overall body mass index. This is beneficial to everyone who wants to lose weight and add more nutritional ingredients to their diet. This is especially true since apple cider vinegar is thought to reduce antioxidative stress, therefore leading to lower obesity levels.
Include more high-fiber foods
Fibers are a great addition to your diet, mainly if you struggle with emptying your bowels on a regular basis. Apples, prunes, chia seeds, oats, almonds, and vegetables are all delicious foods that you could add to your diet. High-fiber diets are also known to suppress appetite in a healthy way, and therefore, lead to reduced obesity rates. But, if you decide to include more fibers in your daily regimen, make sure to monitor your body, including your appetite.
Mindful eating is useful as well
Mindfulness is one of the best habits that you could adopt, especially if you struggle with your diet. When it comes to eating, mindfulness can definitely be useful. Paying attention to the food you eat can lead you to eat less. For example, eating in front of the TV can cause you to eat more since your attention is focused elsewhere. Furthermore, incorporating more mindfulness into your life, can reduce binge-eating and therefore, leading to a healthy weight loss.
Suppressing your appetite should never be your priority because depriving yourself of food is not healthy nor beneficial to you. Eating healthy foods that can suppress appetite and being more mindful is a much better way to lose weight and become more self-aware regarding your dietary habits.
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